How to Play Yoga Pose Memory: Yoga Game for Kids

How to Play Yoga Pose Memory: Yoga Game for Kids

Stretch your body and your mind with Yoga Pose Memory! Help kids (and adults!) improve balance and flexibility while boosting matching and memory skills.

Learn and practice yoga poses as you search for matching yoga poses. Once a match is made, then the player must demonstrate that yoga pose. Once the cards have all been matched, the player with the most pairs performs all of the yoga poses in a sequence.

Learn and practice yoga poses with this fun and engaging Yoga Pose  Game!

Each Memory Game Set Includes:

  • Directions on How to Play
  • 8 Diverse Yoga Poses
  • Multicultural & Diverse
  • Downloadable for immediate play

Perfect for school, home, camps, clubs, and parties.

Ages 3-Adult

Our Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards match perfectly with the Yoga Pose Memory Game if you are looking to add and learn more yoga poses to your game.

Power Partner Poses in Yoga to Practice with Kids

Power Partner Poses in Yoga to Practice with Kids

Kids love partner yoga poses! Partner yoga poses help teach children the importance of teamwork and working together plus they are fun to do. They build trust and community with one another within the group. These partner poses can be done at home, school, camp, yoga class or anywhere you have kids ready to try something new and have fun.

I incorporate partner or group poses in every kids yoga class. It is a great team-building activity and gives everyone a common goal to work toward. I love the confidence built when mastered.

I kept this in mind when I created the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards, I purposely incorporated partner poses for some of the yoga challenge poses. The partner poses are built on progression and gives the children a goal to work toward.

Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards
Kids love to try the partner poses included in our Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards

How to Teach Partner Yoga Poses to Kids

  • Have kids partner up with those of similar size.  All partner poses can be modified, but it is a good idea to start this way.
  • Have the partners get to know one another before practicing the poses. Take a moment for them to introduce themselves to one another and pose a few questions that they need to answer as something they are good at or a favorite game to play. I sometimes have the pair come up with a team name together. That builds community and teamwork for sure!
  • Have one pair of partners demonstrate the Partner Pose before everyone tries it. As the partner pair is demonstrating, this is a good time to talk about proper form and any safety concerns. Although yoga partner poses are safe and fun, it is still a good idea to remind kids to take it slow. They will naturally be excited to get right into the pose so this will help them remember.
  • After the partners have practiced the featured yoga pose for 1-2 minutes, have each group demonstrate their pose. Kids love to show off the poses with their partners.

see saw pose
See Saw Partner Pose

Kids Yoga Partner Class Lesson Plan

  1. First, have the students get into pairs. It is helpful to have a partner of similar size, but not necessary. Modifications can be made for any of the partner poses.
  2. Have the partner pair get to know one another (if they don’t already) and think up a Team Name. They love doing this. Refer to their team name throughout class. They LOVE this and it will absolutely motivate them.
  3. Explain to the students that they will be working through a series of partner poses. Talk about how being safe is the number one priority and how they need to look out for their teammate.
  4. l used the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards for this kids yoga class because these yoga cards include leveled partner poses. It is important to begin with the easier “one-starred” levels and work your way up to level 5. 5.
The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards

5. I began with See Saw Partner Pose and showed the students an example pose card. This Partner Pose is perfect to begin with because it warms up your legs and allows the children to work together. I invited a pair to come and demonstrate it to the group. I had them model how you begin slowly in a see-saw fashion. Legs can be made into a diamond shape or bent if you have some children that are taller or different heights.

6. I allowed a few moments for the children to practice this first partner pose before moving on to the next pose with the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards. Each time, have a pair model the partner pose as you explain to the students about how to safely get in and out of it. You could also use the Kids Yoga Challenge App for pose visuals, but keep in mind that the poses are randomized for fun with the app.

kids yoga app
The Kids Yoga Challenge App

7. Toward the end of class, I had a few Group Yoga Poses so that the whole class could have the opportunity to work together. This can be done by playing Yoga ShapesWind in the Trees Yoga GameGroup Trees, or Yoga Knot.

kid friendly partner yoga poses
Kid Friendly Partner Yoga Poses
teach yoga to kids books
Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Books

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Yoga Poses for Children: Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 With Yoga Themes

Yoga Poses for Children: Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 With Yoga Themes

Hello and welcome! I am so happy that you are joining us for our Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 Training. You are in the right place!

Get All Caught Up Below:

Why you need a Kids Yoga Lesson Plan before you even think about teaching yoga to children.

Part 1: The Welcome: How to engage your students right from the start.

Part 2: Breathing Exercises: Made Relevant and FUN for Children

Part 3: Sun Salutations Made Simple: Connect Movement with Breath

Part 4: The Importance of Active Movement: Get hearts pumping, build strength, and get wiggles out.

Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101: Yoga Themes for Poses (Part 5)

Congratulations! You have made it to the main part of your yoga class where you can introduce and teach poses to your students. Kids enjoy learning new yoga poses and often get excited about adding new ones to their repertoire.

boat pose
Boat Pose at the Park: Yoga is a Great Exercise for All Ages

How to Teach Yoga Poses to Kids

When teaching yoga poses to kids, I have found it helpful to group the yoga poses together by a theme. It is also helpful to only introduce 4-6 yoga poses per class. This really gives children the opportunity to practice the yoga poses and remember them outside of class. 

I have found that concentrating on fewer poses in class allows the children to truly focus, pay more attention to correct form and achieve success. They will feel themselves getting stronger, longer and more flexible as they become more comfortable with the poses. Your theme-related yoga poses are also a great way to differentiate and accommodate for the varying needs of your class.

How to Introduce the Yoga Poses

When introducing the yoga poses, it is important to be excited about the poses and build anticipation. This is a great technique and you will have the kids in the palm of your hand and so excited to learn what the next pose will be.

  1. Gather the children in a circle
  2. Have some sort of seasonal bag or prop (colorful gift bag, basket, stocking cap, sand pail) that you have placed the 4-5 pose card visuals. I use The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.
  3. Call on a child to come and “draw out” the next pose.
  4. Everyone practices the pose. Discuss what parts of your body you feel working and getting stronger.
  5. Call on another child to draw out the next pose and practice.
  6. Continue in this format until all of the poses have been drawn.
  7. I like to give the students a “test.” Since I am a teacher they find this highly interesting and engaging. I call out a pose that we have learned and the students must get into it as quickly as they can. For younger ages, it is fine to show the Kids Yoga Pose Card to help them find success.
yoga pose app
The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards include 40 yoga pose cards. Partner yoga poses, yoga games, and mantras for mindfulness are included.

How to Teach Yoga Poses to School-Aged, Tweens, and Teens

After learning and practicing the yoga poses with older students, we will flow the poses together. Our yoga mats are already placed in a circle and I then place the yoga pose cards (that we just learned) in the center in the center in the circle and also order that we will flow. The children really enjoy this and they feel very grown-up.

They are definitely not too grown-up, however, when the Yoga Flow ends and it is time to practice the poses with a Yoga Game! Kids never ever want to pass up a yoga game!

Stay tuned for our favorite Kids Yoga Games in our Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 coming up next!

yoga games and activities for children
Kids Yoga Games & Activities for Children

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Take Our Survey and Win a Free Kids Yoga App!

Take Our Survey and Win a Free Kids Yoga App!

Go Go Yoga for Kids is continually working to improve our resources and we want to know what you truly need to effectively teach yoga to children!

We truly do care what you think and want to best serve you. Please take 2 minutes to fill out our quick and easy survey. I will use the information to help serve you.

As a thank you for sharing your time and thoughts, I will then send you a FREE coupon code for our Kids Yoga Challenge App.

The Kids Yoga Challenge App is perfect for taking your yoga on the go! The Kids Yoga Challenge App will challenge kids with balance, flexibility, mindfulness, and more. This app includes 40 yoga pose cards including partner poses, confidence-building poses, and mantras.

Thank you for all of your support! I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you inside the free kids yoga app.

kids yoga app

Take Yoga on the Go with the Kids Yoga Challenge App

The Kids Yoga Challenge App Includes:

  • 40 progressive yoga poses including partner poses
  • Empowering pose mantras for beginners and meditation
  • Perfect for all levels
  • Poses rated from 1-5 stars based on difficulty
  • Easy to follow illustrated and colorful yoga poses
  • Tested and proven yoga poses to achieve mental and physical benefits
  • Takes only minutes each day to gain lifelong skills and health 
kids yoga challenge app
Kids Yoga Challenge App

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How to Easily Get Kids into Savasana in Yoga

How to Easily Get Kids into Savasana in Yoga

Welcome to Our Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 Training. Congratulations! You have made it to the end of your Kids Yoga Class. No worries, if you are just joining us. You can get all caught up here.

Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 Free Training

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Join our Free Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 Training

“Miss Sara, I can’t wait to do the “sleeping pose” again.” That is what I hear time and time again at the end of our Kids Yoga Classes.

Savasana often becomes the children’s favorite part of yoga class, which I think is incredible since it is the part of the class where they are not doing a thing.

The children begin class so eager, excited, and full of energy. After moving and working their bodies in such good and healthy ways, they are truly ready for rest and relaxation. I tell my students that their bodies deserve this rest and that taking this time helps them repair and build the muscles they just worked.

Please do not get the idea that I simply call out, “Everyone get into Savasana,” and that the kids readily roll onto their backs, shut their eyes, as they go into deep stillness. Instead, slowly get kids into Savasana.

Savasana comes at the end of your class after you have practiced breathing exercises, learned yoga poses, played yoga games, practiced balance, built community with one another, and are now ready for a bit of stillness, relaxation, and time for some mindfulness.

Yoga is about movement and poses and postures but it is also about being still and quiet and mindful in savasana. This is such an important skill to learn in our busy lives and especially a wonderful one to model with children

Here are a few ways to help promote stillness and mindfulness with kids.

Change the Mood

I like to begin to speak in quieter tones and if possible turn the lights down lower. It’s also easy to play calming music or nature sounds. This change in their surroundings signals to children that a change is coming. As you build this into the class flow, children begin to recognize the signs and signals leading to Savasana.

Be a Melting Ice Cube

As Savasna follows our Building Community component of class we are already seated in a circle. I like to challenge the kids to lie down as slowly as they can as if they are an ice cube melting into the ground. When they get down to the ground have them stretch out as long as they can with their toes pointed and their arms up overhead. See how long they can get by taking deep breaths.

Squeeze and Relax

While kids are lying down on their yoga mats preparing for savasana, I’ll sometimes have them squeeze a body part as hard as they can. Let’s say they squeeze their hands for a few seconds and then they relax it. Or also squeeze their shoulders up by their ears and then relax it. They’re actually able to physically feel the difference their body makes from holding it so tight and then relaxing.

Use Memorable Phrases

I challenge the children to stretch as “long as a pencil” or have them be “as still as a statue” or “as quiet as a mouse.” This gives the children a mental picture of how to pose and act.

Be Comfortable

I allow the children to lay however they feel comfortable. It could be on their backs, on their stomachs, curled up into a ball, but have a realistic expectation for how long the kids can lie still. 15 to 30 seconds is good for the preschool ages while older children can stay longer. The more they get used to Stillness and Savasana at the end of class, the longer they can stay still.

Bring Them Out Slowly

When it’s time to come out of this relaxation, I like to ask them to roll over on their side and use their arm as a pillow. Then they sit up and you can quietly lead them through a couple of big, deep, cleansing breaths while bringing arms up overhead, breathing in, and breathing out and placing your hands at heart center. We’ll do that a couple of times.

Be Encouraging

I like to give a few positive closing words that unite the class and set their path for the remainder of the day or the week. I also like to thank them for coming to yoga, taking care of their bodies, working together, and having fun.

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