The Ultimate Guide to Plan your Fall Kids Yoga Class

The Ultimate Guide to Plan your Fall Kids Yoga Class

Free Fall Kids Yoga Lesson Plan. Welcome Fall!

Fall is in the air! One of the things that I love about living in the Midwest is the change of seasons. I truly do appreciate the changing trees and landscape that each new season brings. As soon as you get tired of the heat, snow, or rain, then the season begins to magically transform into a new one.

I love incorporating the change of seasons with my kids yoga classes. Kids enjoy the seasonal themes with the poses, breathing exercises, and yoga games. By having a theme, it truly helps the children connect with and retain with what they are learning.

Get your free Kids Yoga Fall Fun Lesson Plan below. Learn many Fall themed yoga poses, play yoga games, practice mindfulness, complete group challenges and much more!

For this kids yoga lesson plan, I use the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose CardsThese pose cards provide a great visual for the yoga poses as well as the partner yoga poses.

Free Fall Kids Yoga Lesson Plan
Check out our Partner Bats


Have you ever seen such a lovely Fall leaf? (Partner Pose)


It is much more fun to try to balance with a pumpkin on your head!


Interested in more kids yoga lesson plans? Our bestselling Go Go Yoga for Kids resources includes hundreds of kids yoga lesson plans, games, poses, mindfulness exercises and much more. Click to learn more.

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Family Fun Day: Yoga Games for All

Learn Something New This Fall

The Power of Partner Yoga Poses for Kids

Time to Learn Something New!

Time to Learn Something New!

As a classroom teacher, I appreciate how the start of a new school year is full of new beginnings and fresh starts. ⠀The opportunities to learn, grow, and try new things doesn’t apply just for kids!

Have you been wanting to try something new? Learn something that will truly make a difference in the lives of children?!⠀

I bet you do! Our online Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher Training not only benefits children, but you as well!⠀
Discover how to truly and effectively introduce yoga and mindfulness to children through our comprehensive yoga teacher training which includes:⠀

⭐️live classroom training videos⠀
⭐️hands on applications ⠀
⭐️kids yoga lesson plans, games guide and yoga pose cards⠀
⭐️Age group teaching guides & class management guide⠀
⭐️Access to our private group and live workshops.

Begin Making a Difference Today
Learn. Teach. Inspire
  •  Learn: How to efficiently and easily plan a kids yoga class from beginning to end
  •  Proven class management strategies so your classes flow effortlessly
  • Teach: Breathing exercises, yoga games, poses, mindful moments, and yoga challenges that promise to keep your students learning and engage
  •  Everything you need to know about teaching yoga to children professionally
  •  Inspire: The Secrets to Teaching Yoga to Children! (this is worth the investment of the whole course!)
How the course works:
kids yoga teacher training

Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training

Access to The Full System
94 Lesson and Resource Modules
Take The Guesswork Out Of Teaching Yoga To Children.
Get Everything You Need to Start Teaching Yoga to Kids
  • The secrets to teaching yoga to children
  • Proven class management strategies so your class flows effortlessly
  • Easy no-fail kids yoga lesson planning
  • Exact breathing exercises for calming and relaxing children
  • The best yoga poses for growing kids
  • Yoga games galore that they will want to play again and again
  • Best yoga props to use with children to make class memorable
  • Effective ways to manage and motivate your students
  • How to create mindfulness in children
  • Everything you need to know to teach kids yoga professionally
Learn how to effectively teach yoga and mindfulness to children in our easy to follow step by step proven format.

Learn More or Get Started Here 

Get started now and learn at your own pace and time. You have lifetime access to the online training.

The Best of Kids Yoga

The Best of Kids Yoga

Happy New Year! It has been a wonderful year for Go Go Yoga for Kids. We have loved bringing the joy and fun of yoga to thousands of others through our Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Books, Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards, App, and most importantly our online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training. We have now certified over 3500 people from all over the world and are sharing the love and joy of kids yoga with others.

I have always loved reflecting on the year and thinking about how we can help even more others in the next year. I am also such a fan of “Year-End Reviews” and “Best of” Lists. So without much further ado…

Here are your Top Kids Yoga Favorite Posts from this year:

5. Kids Need Yoga! Don’t Miss These 7 Super Benefits of Yoga for Children

4. Simple Ways to Get Children to Listen (that you haven’t tried)

3. Mini Yoga Brain Breaks for Kids

kids yoga class
“The Light in Me Sees the Light in You. Namaste” at a recent kids yoga class

2. How to Create an Epic Kids Yoga Obstacle Course

1.The Top 5 Secrets to Teaching Yoga to Kids

yoga game
Children Love Practicing Their Poses with Yoga Games

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The Most Common Mistake Every Kids Yoga Teacher Makes

5 Fun Yoga Games to Play with Your Child

How to Keep Your Yoga Students Engaged Throughout Class

Go Go Yoga for Kids: Top Kids Yoga YouTube Channel

We are thrilled to be in the Top 15 Best Kids Yoga YouTube Channels! Find your kids yoga props, lesson plans, kids yoga classes, poses, teacher training, partner poses, mindfulness and much more!

Check us out on YouTube here.

Here are some of our Most Popular Videos:

Family Fun Yoga Class with Spring Yoga Poses

There are lots of fun Spring yoga poses and games that can be done at any time. Today we are going to take you through some of the Spring themed Easter Poses. You can find an entire list of Spring and Easter Yoga Poses and Games at https://www.gogoyogakids.com/spring/

This kids yoga class is geared toward children ages 3-10. I do have my helpers here with me today, I know that they are little older, but they still love to have fun with yoga. You do not need to have any props, but I am using some plastic eggs and our Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.

We are going to have fun with this Spring Family Yoga class!. Let’s learn and practice our Spring Easter Poses!

Join Go Go Yoga for Kids for a fun-filled partner yoga class at Athleta.

First the children warmed up their bodies with some sun salutations and exercises. Then they got into pairs to determine a team name which they loved!

I used the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards to unveil the 5 different leveled partner poses. We started off easy with See Saw Partner Pose. First I showed the partner pose card example and then had a partner pair demonstrate the pose. We also talked about being safe and careful with our partners.

Next we were ready to move into the Level 2 Partner Pose which is Raindrop, followed by Double Boat and Double Down Dog. To celebrate our success we played a fun group yoga game with Down Dog Tunnels which was so much fun. No kids yoga class is complete with Stillness and Savasana and the children settled right into it.

A Partner Pose themed yoga class is a lot of fun for kids as they love working together and teamwork. Find out more about the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards we used during class: http://www.gogoyogakids.com/store/

Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101: Sun Salutations for Kids

Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101: Sun Salutations for Kids

Hello and welcome! I am so happy you are joining us for The Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 Training for sun salutations for kids. Find your printable workbook here.

1. We covered the importance of why you NEED to have a lesson plan when you teach yoga to children. Watch the training video here.

2. We talked about the MOST Important Part of Your Kids Yoga Class here.

3. Then we made Breathing Exercises NOT boring for kids here.

Now, grab your Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 Guide and jump right in!

Part 3: Sun Salutations for Kids & Connect With Breath

After you and your students have focused on their Breathing Exercises, you can begin Part 3 of your Kids Yoga class with Sun Salutations.

The Sun Salutation portion of a yoga class and is wonderful for warming up the whole body. It is also exciting because your kids yoga students are now ready to connect their breath with this movement.

Keep it Familiar

I like to keep the Sun Salutations relatively similar for each class. Familiarity builds confidence. Similar to adults, kids like to feel as if they are in control and can really pay attention to their breath and movement during the Sun Salutations if they are comfortable and familiar with the flow.

Sunrise to Sunset

I like to use the analogy of sunrise to sunset with I introduce Sun Salutations to kids. They breathe in and raise their hands above their heads for the sunrise and the dive forward on the exhale over their toes for the Sunset.

At the end of our Sun Salutations, we talk about how we feel stronger, lighter and more focused. This simple exercise is a wonderful way to get their bodies warm and ready for the next Active Movement portion of the class.

sun salutations
Sun Salutations with Kids During our Barnes and Noble Prince & Princess Event

Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 Video Series

Now you are ready for the next part of your Kids Yoga Class: Active Movement.

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The Most Important Part of a Kids Yoga Class

Partner Yoga Poses for Kids

Celebrate the Earth (Our World) with These Kids Yoga Poses & Games

Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101: Breathing Exercises

Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101: Breathing Exercises

Part 2: Breathing Exercises for Kids

Hello and welcome! Thank you for joining us for our Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 Free Training. This section is about breathing exercises for kids.

Find your workbook and get all caught up with the Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 Training here.

After the first part of your Kids Yoga Class which is The Welcome, the next portion involves helping your students slow down and become aware of their breath and how their bodies feel. This is not as easy as it sounds!

Breathing Exercises

When I first started practicing yoga, I used to believe yoga was only about the movement and holding poses. I quickly learned that your breath is actually more important than the poses. If you can hold the pose, but aren’t taking the long deep breaths, then you are actually not doing yoga. It is the breathing that makes it yoga. On the other hand, you could lie in Child’s Pose and breathing for an entire yoga class and that would be yoga.

Breathing with purpose during yoga lets you hold the pose longer and feel stronger while holding it. In addition to this, breathing deeply and consciously helps to strengthen the nervous system, calm anxiety as well as settle into the class and be in the moment.

Kids, however, do not care about any of the above! Therefore it can be difficult to teach children to become aware of their breath. Kids are busy and wiggly, so it is important that you bring these breathing exercises to their level and interest.

breathing exercises
Make breathwork fun and engaging with kids by using a variety of props.

Do not worry, we have you covered! There are several ways to practice mindful breathing in a yoga class, but the main goal is to make the children aware while slowing down their bodies and their breath. This is done through child-friendly breathing exercises.

Favorite Breathing Exercises

Breathing Exercises That Really Work With Kids

Top 3 Breathing Exercises for Anxious Kids

How to Use a Breathing Ball or Hoberman Sphere for Kids

Spending just a few moments ( it doesn’t need to take long!) slowing down, being mindful, and teaching children to pay attention to their breath will become easier and easier with practice.

Our bestselling Kids Yoga books below include dozens of ideas to make breathwork NOT boring for Kids!

You are also ready for the next part of your Kids Yoga Class: Sun Salutations Made Simple.

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How to Teach Yoga to Kids

How to Teach Mindfulness to Children with This Quick Tip

Kids Yoga Teacher Favorite Props and Resources