Looking to try something new and active with your children? Yoga games are a great way to get kids moving, working together, and improve their communication skills. Kids yoga games also provide the perfect opportunity to learn new poses and increase balance and flexibility.
The following kids yoga games can be played with different age levels with simple adjustments. These kids yoga games can also be used anywhere as they don’t need any preparation or materials. Just put on a smile and have fun playing these games on the go!
Mirror Mirror
Choose one partner to go first. The first partner will slowly move through a sequence of yoga poses or movements while the other person mimics the movements. After a couple of minutes switch roles so the other person takes the lead.
Pose Challenge
This game will help children realize how all of their body parts have advantages and can make them stronger. Call out two different body parts that should be touching the floor or yoga mat and have them show that pose. For example “Two hands/Two Feet” could mean the children could show down dog, plank, cat, cow, standing forward fold, or a new pose that they invent. There are no wrong poses. It is just a fun way to get your body moving in different ways. Using visual such as with the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards can really help children out.
You can also find the Digital and Printable Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards here.

You can get all of your kids yoga games and lesson plans at our Go Go Yoga for Kids E-Store
Yogi Yogi Go (similar to Duck Duck Goose)
Children sit in a circle and one child moves around the circle tapping children on the head saying, “Yogi, Yogi” and picks someone by saying “Go.” The first child will jump, hop, gallop, etc. around the circle trying to make it back to his/her seat without getting caught. If caught they then hold a yoga pose in the middle of the circle.
Body Shapes
Draw a shape on a whiteboard or a piece of paper and everyone must try to make that shape with their body. This can be done individually, in pairs, or in small groups. A fun challenge in pairs or groups is to see if they can make the shape while working together silently. Good figures to use are circles, lines, and certain letters.
This is an active game that allows lots of movement while practicing yoga poses that the children know or have learned. Have a long jump rope or some other way to divide your room in half. When the leader says, “sea”, everyone jumps to the “sea” side. If the leader says “shore”, they jump to the other side. When the leader says “shells”, the participants must make a yoga pose. Try going quickly and mix them up. The kids will love it!
Looking for more kids yoga games? Our bestselling Go Go Yoga for Kids Books are filled with complete lesson plans, yoga games, poses, and mindfulness exercises for kids.