Happy New Year! It has been a wonderful year for Go Go Yoga for Kids. We have loved bringing the joy and fun of yoga to thousands of others through our Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Books, Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards, App, and most importantly our online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training. We have now certified over 3500 people from all over the world and are sharing the love and joy of kids yoga with others.
I have always loved reflecting on the year and thinking about how we can help even more others in the next year. I am also such a fan of “Year-End Reviews” and “Best of” Lists. So without much further ado…
Here are your Top Kids Yoga Favorite Posts from this year:
5. Kids Need Yoga! Don’t Miss These 7 Super Benefits of Yoga for Children
4. Simple Ways to Get Children to Listen (that you haven’t tried)
3. Mini Yoga Brain Breaks for Kids

2. How to Create an Epic Kids Yoga Obstacle Course
1.The Top 5 Secrets to Teaching Yoga to Kids

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