How to Play Quiet Ball

How to Play Quiet Ball

How to Play Quiet Ball

Quiet Ball is a perfect mindfulness game to help bring the energy level down when working with a group of kids.

It is also a great game for building mindfulness and teamwork as everyone must work together.

Find your Free Yoga Games Guide below and get ready to follow along and play!

Quiet Ball is also found in our new bestselling book, Go Go Yoga  for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children.

Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities Includes:

  • Over 150 yoga games, activities, poses, and challenges broken into categories and easily modified
  • Detailed descriptions for all activities including suggested age groups, needed props, ideal group size, and leader notes
  • Suggestions for organizing engaging kids yoga classes and incorporating games
  • Benefits children can receive from yoga, games, teamwork, and mindfulness
  • Characteristics of age groups and the types of games that best fit each level of maturity
  • Ways to incorporate challenges for older kids
  • Teaching tips for tweens and teens
  • Breathing exercises for relaxation, mindfulness, and stress reduction
  • Secrets to successfully teach yoga to children
  • Ideas for yoga-inspired crafts that can be used both inside and outside of class
  • Ways to incorporate yoga into family time
  • Game and yoga pose illustrations
  • Downloadable yoga pose memory game
  • Available in hard copy and e-book.

How to Play Quiet Ball: A Mindfulness Game for Children:

Number of Players: 4+

Materials: Small ball (or other seasonal type balls; beach ball, soccer ball, etc)

Recommended Ages: 5 and up

How to play 

  • Have the children sit in a circle. Depending on the ages of the kids, determines how far away everyone sits. The younger the ages, the closer they sit together.
  • One child gets to toss the ball to anyone they wish as long as that person is quiet and paying attention.
  • The ball is continually passed around the circle with each person making eye contact to the person they will pass it to.
  • The ball cannot be passed to someone who is not paying attention because they will may not to catch it.
  • See how long you can keep the ball going without it being dropped.

Leader Notes:

  • If I am playing this game at school, I would allow the children to sit on top of their desks or tables. How often do they get to do that? That alone ups the fun factor for sure!
  • To sometimes change the game up, I  also have the class count aloud to see how many times we can catch it in a row without dropping the ball.

This doesn’t necessarily keep the game quiet, but it does provide a change in pace and definitely keeps everyone paying attention.

More Favorite Kids Yoga Games

Are you ready to learn to more about how to easily & effectively Teach Yoga & Mindfulness to Children?

Our online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training will completely prepare you to teach yoga to children ages 3-15. Join thousands of others from all over the world in this fun and engaging training that will empower you to make a difference in the lives of children.

Play Hot Lava: Yoga Game for Kids

Play Hot Lava: Yoga Game for Kids

Welcome to the Best Yoga Games for Kids

Kids love playing yoga games and it is a wonderful way to build strength, teamwork, flexibility and have fun moving their bodies in good and healthy ways.

Find your FREE Games Guide with directions, game downloads, resources and more.

Do you remember as a kid playing a game where you cannot touch the ground at the park or playground?

The Hot Lava Yoga Game is similar to that, but played with yoga mats. It one of the most popular yoga game for the kids! They love to play Hot Lava and cannot get enough.

Thisis a wonderful game to get bodies moving, hearts pumping and smiles on faces while they practice the yoga poses that they just learned.

Hot Lava is found in our newest bestselling book; Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children.

Get your book on any device and save! Use code TEACHER25 and save 25% off your order in our Go Go Yoga for Kids E-Store.

Find hundreds of Kids Yoga Games, Lesson Plans, Mindfulness Exercises, Poses and more.

How to Play Hot Lava: Yoga Game for Kids:

Number of players: 6+

Materials: Music, yoga mats, Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards

Recommended Ages: 3 and up

TheHot Lava Game Directions:

 yoga poseThe Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards

Leader Notes: This is a fun game for all ages. The younger children tend to stay at the top of the mats so the distance is not as far. The older children enjoy leaping from one mat to another from the back of the mats.

I do not generally have the children get out “out” if they are the last one to make their yoga pose. The goal is after all to get the children moving in positive ways, practice yoga poses, and have fun.

Variation: This game could also be called Musical Mats (played similarly to Musical Chairs found in Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Yoga with Kids).

More Favorite Kids Yoga Games:

kids yoga app

The Kids Yoga Challenge App available for iPhone and Android.

More Favorite Kids Yoga Games

Be a Bubble Yoga Game

Be a Bubble Yoga Game

Welcome to our Summer Yoga Games for Children, I’m so happy that you’re here! Welcome to the first of our yoga games for preschoolers.

Grab your FREE Summer Yoga Games Guide with directions, poses and downloads.

Be a Bubble a mindfulness game that I play with my younger aged yoga students. This game is perfect for kids ages 2-5 years old and they love this mindfulness game. It also teaches them body awareness and respecting one another’s personal space.

This game is a lot of fun because kids get to pretend, they get to move their bodies in good and healthy ways, plus you get to incorporate bubbles which is always a good time!

be a bubble

This game and dozens of others are found in our new book, Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children. This bestselling mindfulness book includes over 150 yoga games. Be a Bubble is included in the mindfulness chapter of this book.

Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children
New Book Release! Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children. Now available for immediate use in our Go Go Yoga for Kids E-Store

How to Play Play Be a Bubble

  • First introduce Bubble Breath or Bubble Breathing. Have kids think about how they would blow a big bubble. They will need to breathe in and then they exhale. They’re going to pretend to blow a big bubble. The greater the exhale then they are going to have and the bigger bubble!
  • Have the children move their hands and arms to show how they are blowing the bubble and how big it gets. So breathe in then they’re blowing the bubble. And that is a great way to practice breathing exercises with be a bubble.
yoga for kids
Practicing our Bubble Breathing
  • After Bubble Breathing, it is time to get the kids moving! Have a Bubble Dance! Play music, use real bubbles, and blow them into the center of the dance floor.

Let the kids dance and try to stomp on the bubbles. Let them try to catch them on their hand, on their elbow, on their knee, on their foot, on their head, on their nose, let them try to catch bubbles on different places and body parts. They love this!

  • After the Bubble Breathing and the Bubble Dance, it is time to bring down the energy a little bit. and play the Mindfulness Game with Be a Bubble. I would tell the children that they have already played with bubbles and they know what happens if we are too rough with it. It pops!

kids yoga appThe Kids Yoga Challenge App is Available for iPhone and Android

  • Now it is time to pretend to be a bubble. We don’t want our bubble to pop, so everyone needs to blow up their bubble really big. Now let’s put ourselves into it. Be very careful! Now everyone needs to walk very mindfully and carefully around the room.
  • Play some slower music, quieter music and I would demonstrate tiptoeing and moving quietly.  I don’t want my bubble to pop, I don’t want to bump into anyone or anything, I want to be mindful of my own space.

This is also a great way to teach kids about being mindful of their own bodies, their personal space and other people’s personal space.

  • When the music stops, have the kids stay “inside their bubble. It is time to make a yoga pose. So this is tons of fun and it’s a great way to practice both mindfulness and yoga poses. So some great ones for kids, I would have from our Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards which include 40 kid-friendly yoga poses and games.
yoga pose
Want the poses sooner? You can immediately download the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards here.
  • Call out the pose that everyone can make and show the corresponding Yoga Pose Card Visual. For example, “Everyone moves into Chair Pose. The kids would very carefully make their Chair Pose inside their Bubble. They must be careful not to be too rough, as they don’t want their bubble to pop.
  • Now we are going to go into a Tree Pose and the kids would practice holding that pose “inside their bubble”.
tree pose
Be very careful to hold Tree Pose inside your bubble so it does not pop!
  • Next turn the music would turn on again and the children would resume moving around carefully and trying not letting their bubble pop.

This is a great game to bring the energy level back down, bring mindfulness back in and the younger kids love this.

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Yoga Alphabet for Kids

Yoga Alphabet for Kids

The  Best Alphabet Yoga Poses for Kids

Kids love yoga games! Games are a great way to get kids moving, build strength, practice following directions, working together and learning yoga poses in fun and engaging ways.

Get Your Free Yoga Games Guide Below and get ready to learn and play!

Why Kids love Alphabet Yoga:

Alphabet Yoga is a great mental and physical game. It’s a wonderful way to practice different yoga poses and it really gets kids thinking creatively.

Kids don’t need to have lots of experience with yoga poses to be able to play this game. It’s one that they can use their creativity and use their imagination.

How to Play Alphabet Yoga

You can play this with ages five and up. You can do this with 1 child, 15 or 20! Alphabet Yoga is very flexible on the numbers of players.

I use the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards for this game. You don’t need to have the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards but it is nice to have a visual for the kids with yoga poses and helps if they get stuck.
yoga pose

  1. Have everyone sit in a circle.
  2. The first child takes the first letter of the alphabet which is A. They must come up with a yoga pose or make one up that starts up with A. The child may choose Airplane Pose. Everyone says A  Airplane Pose and they practice it.
  3. Then the next child in the circle has one. This child could say; Boat Pose, Butterfly Pose, Bird Pose, etc.. Everyone then practices the B letter pose.
  4. Next they go on to letter C. There’s a lot of good C yoga words. You could practice Cat Pose, Cobra Pose, Cow Pose would work, if you really want to up the game with kids and make it very challenging you could do Crow Pose.
  5. Continue with letter D. The kids could come up with Dancer Pose or Down Dog. Again these poses are all in the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.
  6.  E is the next letter of the alphabet. Eagle Pose is tons of fun and great to work on balance. You could do Elephant Pose and pretend to sway your trunk up and down.
  7. F could be Flower Pose or Fire Log Pose which are great to practice.
  8. G is for Gorilla Pose or Goddess Pose which is a fun one too.

The game continues on throughout the alphabet.

Alphabet Yoga is included in our new bestselling book; Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children.

This book includes over 150 yoga games and activities that can be played with kids of all ages.

Game Variations:

For an extra challenge with the older kids, I would have them remember each pose and repeat from the top.

For example Each time there’s a new pose added they must go back to A Airplane Pose, B Butterfly Pose, C Cat Pose. This is such a wonderful way to practice memory and repetition.

Are you ready to take Kids Yoga to the next level? Our online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training will completely prepare you to effectively teach yoga to children ages 3-15.

Join thousands of others from all over the world in our popular Kids Yoga Teacher Training.


Find more favorite Kids Yoga Games Below.

All Aboard the Silly Train for Kids

All Aboard the Silly Train for Kids

All Aboard the Stilly Train: Yoga Game for Children

Hello, are you ready to play a fun game that kids love because they get to act very silly? Find your Free Yoga Games Guide below and get ready to follow along and play! It is time to jump aboard the Silly Train: Yoga Game for Children.


Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities Includes:

  • Over 150 yoga games, activities, poses, and challenges broken into categories and easily modified
  • Detailed descriptions for all activities including suggested age groups, needed props, ideal group size, and leader notes
  • Suggestions for organizing engaging kids yoga classes and incorporating games
  • Benefits children can receive from yoga, games, teamwork, and mindfulness
  • Characteristics of age groups and the types of games that best fit each level of maturity
  • Ways to incorporate challenges for older kids
  • Teaching tips for tweens and teens
  • Breathing exercises for relaxation, mindfulness, and stress reduction
  • Secrets to successfully teach yoga to children
  • Ideas for yoga-inspired crafts that can be used both inside and outside of class
  • Ways to incorporate yoga into family time
  • Game and yoga pose illustrations
  • Downloadable yoga pose memory game
  • Available in hard copy and e-book.

How to Play Silly Train: Yoga Game for Children:

Number of Players: 3+

Materials: None

Recommended Ages: 3-8

How to play Silly Train: 

  • Select a pose from the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards. This will be your Go-To Pose for the Game.
  • Have all of the students line up behind the leader in one straight line.
  • The leader shows the selected yoga pose and ever everyone practices it.
  • When the leader is ready to start, they will lead the train around the room.
  • The passengers or people following will dance or move as silly as they can, while staying in line
  • When the leader turns around, everyone must instantly go into the selected pose. Take turns by changing train leaders.

This is lots of fun and the kids love the opportunity to just be silly while moving their bodies.

Leader Notes:

  • Play some music for added fun.
  • Change up the Yoga Poses to keep everyone on their toes while learning and practicing a variety of poses.
  • Adults make sure you join in as well (even when you are not the leader). Kids love to see you be silly too!

More Favorite Kids Yoga Games

Are you ready to learn to more about how to easily & effectively Teach Yoga & Mindfulness to Children?

Our online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training will completely prepare you to teach yoga to children ages 3-15. Join thousands of others from all over the world in this fun and engaging training that will empower you to make a difference in the lives of children.