Yoga Poses for Children: Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 With Yoga Themes

Yoga Poses for Children: Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 With Yoga Themes

Hello and welcome! I am so happy that you are joining us for our Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 Training. You are in the right place!

Get All Caught Up Below:

Why you need a Kids Yoga Lesson Plan before you even think about teaching yoga to children.

Part 1: The Welcome: How to engage your students right from the start.

Part 2: Breathing Exercises: Made Relevant and FUN for Children

Part 3: Sun Salutations Made Simple: Connect Movement with Breath

Part 4: The Importance of Active Movement: Get hearts pumping, build strength, and get wiggles out.

Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101: Yoga Themes for Poses (Part 5)

Congratulations! You have made it to the main part of your yoga class where you can introduce and teach poses to your students. Kids enjoy learning new yoga poses and often get excited about adding new ones to their repertoire.

boat pose
Boat Pose at the Park: Yoga is a Great Exercise for All Ages

How to Teach Yoga Poses to Kids

When teaching yoga poses to kids, I have found it helpful to group the yoga poses together by a theme. It is also helpful to only introduce 4-6 yoga poses per class. This really gives children the opportunity to practice the yoga poses and remember them outside of class. 

I have found that concentrating on fewer poses in class allows the children to truly focus, pay more attention to correct form and achieve success. They will feel themselves getting stronger, longer and more flexible as they become more comfortable with the poses. Your theme-related yoga poses are also a great way to differentiate and accommodate for the varying needs of your class.

How to Introduce the Yoga Poses

When introducing the yoga poses, it is important to be excited about the poses and build anticipation. This is a great technique and you will have the kids in the palm of your hand and so excited to learn what the next pose will be.

  1. Gather the children in a circle
  2. Have some sort of seasonal bag or prop (colorful gift bag, basket, stocking cap, sand pail) that you have placed the 4-5 pose card visuals. I use The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.
  3. Call on a child to come and “draw out” the next pose.
  4. Everyone practices the pose. Discuss what parts of your body you feel working and getting stronger.
  5. Call on another child to draw out the next pose and practice.
  6. Continue in this format until all of the poses have been drawn.
  7. I like to give the students a “test.” Since I am a teacher they find this highly interesting and engaging. I call out a pose that we have learned and the students must get into it as quickly as they can. For younger ages, it is fine to show the Kids Yoga Pose Card to help them find success.
yoga pose app
The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards include 40 yoga pose cards. Partner yoga poses, yoga games, and mantras for mindfulness are included.

How to Teach Yoga Poses to School-Aged, Tweens, and Teens

After learning and practicing the yoga poses with older students, we will flow the poses together. Our yoga mats are already placed in a circle and I then place the yoga pose cards (that we just learned) in the center in the center in the circle and also order that we will flow. The children really enjoy this and they feel very grown-up.

They are definitely not too grown-up, however, when the Yoga Flow ends and it is time to practice the poses with a Yoga Game! Kids never ever want to pass up a yoga game!

Stay tuned for our favorite Kids Yoga Games in our Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 coming up next!

yoga games and activities for children
Kids Yoga Games & Activities for Children

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Yoga Triangle Tag: Yoga Games for Kids

Yoga Triangle Tag: Yoga Games for Kids

Tag is one of the classic yoga games for kids and often a favorite. They love playing with this twist by using Triangle Pose. First, learn how to safely teach Triangle Pose to the children and practice this pose with them.

Once everyone has practiced Triangle Pose then you are ready to play Triangle Tag!

How to Play Triangle Tag:

Ages: 5+

Players: 8+

Materials: None, but sometimes when playing tag with children I recommend using these “pool noodles” as they help with tagging and any accidental pushing. I cut the pool noodles to around 12 inches which provides the perfect size to whoever is “It” to safely tag the other children.

  1. Determine out of bounds lines dependent on the size of the group. Select one person to be “It.” The person who is “It” chases the other kids and tries to tag them.
  2. When she successfully tags a player, the player must freeze in Triangle Pose.
  3. Triangle Pose creates a tunnel which another player must crawl through to unfreeze them.
  4. If a player is tagged while trying to unfreeze another, they must stand in front of the person and do Triangle Pose as well. This creates a double tunnel for someone else to crawl through.
  5. The game continues until all runners have been frozen, and then a new person becomes “It.”
triangle pose

More Yoga Games for Kids:

Beach Ball Yoga Game for Kids

How to Teach Yoga to Children

Kids Yoga in the Park