Breathing Exercises that Really Work with Kids

Breathing Exercises that Really Work with Kids

Find our Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101: Breathing Exercises

Begin with Breath

Breathing Exercises For Kids

Let’s begin with breath. Why is breath important? Deep breathing helps calm us if we’re nervous or anxious. With yoga it helps us hold the poses longer and center ourselves. This is especially important for kids who are maybe nervous or anxious at home or at school. We’re going to show you some kid-friendly ways to practice breath work from our kids’ yoga teacher training.

We’re going to learn eight breathing techniques that kids can remember and use in the home, at school, any time they’re feeling anxious, nervous, or upset. So why is breath important? Deep breathing helps calm us if we’re nervous or anxious. With yoga it also helps us hold the poses longer and center ourselves. I’m going to teach you some fun kid-friendly ways to practice that deep breathing and breath work.

First is our Belly Breathing. You can place your hand right on your belly and go ahead and breathe in and breathe out and you can actually feel the breath moving inside. Another fun way to do it that kids love if they know each other is lay on their tummies and breathe deeply and see if they can feel their friend’s breath work as well.

Next is Window Fog. Pretend like you’re trying to fog up a car or maybe you’re stepping outside in the cold air and you’re kind of seeing your breath. Go ahead and breathe deeply in and out as hard as you can. Put your hand there so you can feel your breath moving.

Blowing out the Candle is especially fun too.  Put your index fingers together and then you’ll breathe in then and breathe out as if you’re blowing out those birthday candles.

These Breathing Balls are another great visual to see your breath actually working. tree pose in yogaThe training video shows you how the ball expands and decreases. Kind of how your diaphragm would work with your breath.

Feathers are a great tool for breath work as well. You can blow your feather up and down your yoga mat. You can blow it across the room. These are inexpensive ways to actually see your breath in action.

Pinwheels are another great resource. You can take it outside, you can take in the house and practice blowing it fast or blowing it slow. You can practice different ways of utilizing your breath.

Bubbles are a great way too to see how your breath is actually working. yoga pose tree

Finally, we must remember Sun Salutations. These are important with yoga to connect this movement of reaching up high to the sun and then diving forward towards your toes. Go ahead and breathe in as you rise up and exhale as you fall down. That really helps you connect the movement with the breath and really warms up your whole body.

Ready to dive deeper with teaching yoga and mindfulness to children? Learn more about our online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training here.

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The Ultimate Kids Yoga Lesson Planning Guide

Plan, Teach, & Motivate Your Yoga Students
Do not miss the 9 important parts that every Kids Yoga Class Needs
Find Your Step by Step Directions:
  1. The Welcome
  2. Breathing and Centering
  3. Sun Salutations
  4. Active Movement
  5. Yoga Poses
  6. Yoga Games
  7. Yoga Challenge
  8. Building Community
  9. Stillness and Savasana

kids yoga sequence

Iowa Association of School Librarians Meets Go Go Yoga for Kids

It was such an honor and so much fun to be included in the Iowa Association of School Librarians 2017 Conference. I got the opportunity to showcase Go Go Yoga for Kids, including our new Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards and talk about our Being a Writer school presentation.

I got the opportunity to meet several Iowa authors and talk about our resources and what we could do to help Iowa schools and students be interested and engaged in reading. What a lovely group of ladies. I am hoping to see a lot more of them!

Take our Quick Survey for a Chance to Win!

We are very excited to begin working on some new exciting opportunities for Go Go Yoga for Kids!  Writing kids yoga lesson plans,  creating new yoga games, and developing resources to best serve you and kids is one of our favorite things to do.

We would love your input since you help make all of this possible.We want to make Go Go Yoga for Kids fun, engaging and beneficial for you and the kids that you care about. Please click on the link below to take a short survey.

Go Go Yoga for Kids Survey

The survey will close April 7th, 2017,

One lucky entrant will receive these amazing Kids Yoga Activity Cubes from my friend, Kerry, at Zendoway These fun, flexible cubes are perfect for all ages. Each cube has a different inspiring theme such as feelings, affirmation and breathing to help bring about mindfulness, love and kindness. The cubes come in a cute drawstring canvas bag. Retail $24.99

Another lucky winner will receive a signed copy of the bestseller Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Using Yoga with Kids. Retail $12.99



Your opinion matters. Take our quick 2 minute survey here. Thank you and good luck!

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