St. Patricks Day Shamrock Rainbow Mandala
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Go Go Yoga for Kids.
Click below for your Shamrock St. Patricks Day Rainbow Mandala
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St. Patricks Day Kids Yoga Lesson Plan
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Go Go Yoga for Kids.
Click below for your Shamrock St. Patricks Day Rainbow Mandala
St. Patricks Day Kids Yoga Lesson Plan
Join Go Go Yoga for Kids on a magical time at Barnes and Noble where over 50 young princes and princesses took off on their magic yoga mats for some Disney yoga for kids themed fun!
After warming up with some Darth Vader deep breathing, We became brave Pocahontas standing on our cliff and ready to dive forward for Sun Salutations.
Soon we were strong Warriors like Princess Mulan. Ready to stand up for what we believe in and what is right.
Peter Pan is ready to fly over the city. What will he see? This Peter Pan Pose is great for back strength.
Of course, we remembered our new Princess Moana in Boat Pose. We rowed our boats slowly and then quickly.
After meeting Princess Ariel on a rock in mermaid pose, it was almost time to end our yoga session.
See a video of our magical kids yoga class on our Go Go Yoga Kids Youtube Channel.
Need an easy way to practice yoga at home with your kids? Check out our brand new Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.
The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards
The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards will challenge you and children with balance, flexibility, mindfulness, and more. This card deck includes 40 poses including partner poses, confidence-building pose mantras, and fun games to play together using these cards.
The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards include:
Yoga & MIndfulness Tips for Your Family
Once in a while I like to use mandalas in my kids yoga classes. Kids just love coloring these circular and symmetrical designs. They find them calming and relaxing.
I play quiet background music and have sit everyone in a circle when we get ready to work on our Mandalas. I also like to have the option to use markers or colored pencils. It is important to stress to the children that it is supposed to take a long time to color a heart Mandala and to not rush. I love how this also naturally opens up a conversation in my upper elementary, tweens, and teen kids yoga classes. They tend to be less self-conscious in a group while they are actively doing something with their hands such as coloring.
When I do this with children as part of a regular 45-minute class, I only allow about 10 minutes for it at the end of the class (before or after Savsana). I encourage the children to take it home and finish it or bring it back the next class. If I am leading a kids yoga camp or club where I seeing the children often, then I will hang on to the Mandalas and we will pull them out to work on as we have time. A great time is at the beginning of class while waiting for everyone to arrive.
There is something special about working thoughtfully, mindfully, and bringing the mandala to completion. It is a meditative process for many children and adults.
If the students are older, it is fun to try to create our own mandalas by using their bodies.
I love how they also naturally open up conversation in my upper elementary, tweens, and teen kids yoga classes. They tend to be less self-conscious in a group while they are actively doing something with their hands such as coloring.
Click here for your FREE downloadable Heart Mandala
Kids Yoga Poses to Open Their Hearts and Minds
Does the Winter gray weather got you and your kids feeling cooped up? In just 5 minutes, I promise you will be feeling more fit, flexible and focused while having fun with your kids.
Cold weather during the winter months can keep kids cooped up inside. It is important for kids to move and be active during these winter months. Physical activity helps stimulate those happy endorphins and keeps your body healthy and strong. So next time your kids have been cooped up and need to burn off some energy, turn on some music, and try these fun kid-friendly yoga poses to get fit, focused, and flexible together. No props or materials needed!
This pose is a favorite of kids and parents! Tree Pose in yoga also has many benefits. It is a perfect way to practice balance and focus! Bring your foot to your calf and place your hands at heart center. As you become more steady, bring your foot to your thigh and move your hands overhead for tree branches. A tip for holding tree pose in yoga is to focus on a spot on the ground that is not moving.
Kids love this pose. It is a great way to get the heart pumping and keep it healthy. Stand strong in Warrior 2 with arms outstretched and your front leg bent. Try jumping and switching directions while landing in Warrior 2. Try to get a little hang time in your 180-degree jumps. It is almost like snowboarding but much warmer!
This pose will work every muscle in your body. Hold a plank pose with your body forming a straight line from head to feet. Try to hold this pose for 15 seconds. Squeeze your stomach and legs together and it will make you feel lighter. Can you hold this pose for 30 seconds? Try to work up to one minute for an extra challenge!
We have all done push-ups and feel the effects in our arms. Down Dog push-ups work not only your arms but also increase the length of your hamstring muscles. Move your arms to a push-up form while in the Down Dog pose. Kids probably won’t be able to get as close to the floor, but they will work their arms and legs in a whole new way!
Balance on your bottom and bring your legs up to make a “V” shape. Try to move your arms from side to side as if you are rowing a boat. This is fun for kids and wonderful for building good core strength.
Keep practicing these yoga poses and notice how your body changes. With these simple exercises, kids are working together on balance, flexibility, focus, and core strength while making their hearts and minds healthy and happy!
***this post originally appeared as a guest post at Des Moines Parent.
Want more kids yoga poses? Check out our popular Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards available on Amazon or in our store.
40 progressive yoga poses for kids and adults to practice and master. Each pose card includes a mantra to incorporate mindfulness and meditation. Each card deck comes in a sturdy burlap drawstring bag and is 4×6 inches big.
Find The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards here.