Spring Yoga Lesson Plan for Kids and Easter Egg Games

Spring Yoga Lesson Plan for Kids and Easter Egg Games

Get out your plastic Easter eggs ready and celebrate Spring with this fun kids yoga lesson plan, games, and activities. Easter Egg Yoga is for kids of all ages this holiday. 

 What You Need:


On small pieces of paper write the following poses and put one in each egg. 

Robin: Airplane Pose

Duck: Duck Pose. Encourage the kids to flap, quack, and waddle around like a duck.

Sun: Mountain Pose with arms outstretched to the sun

Spring Hat: Down Dog

Spring Tree: Tree Pose

Rainbow: Bridge Pose

Spring Basket: Boat Pose

Flower: Lotus Pose. Make petals by having the children hold their arms above their heads.

Caterpillar: Locust Pose. Have the students raise and lower their heads as if eating leaves.

Butterfly: Butterfly Pose. Fly butterflies fast and then slow.

Bunny: Hero Pose. Have the children make bunny ears with their hands.

Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards

Kids love to try the partner poses that included in our Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.These 40 Yoga Pose Card Visuals include starred level of difficulty (1-5 stars) and mantras for mindfulness.

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For more Kids Yoga Lesson Plans check out our bestselling books filled with over 150+ ready-to-go kids yoga lesson plans and kids yoga games and activities.

Complete guide

Yoga lessons

Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Lessons for Children

Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Using Yoga with Children

yoga kids books
Go Go Yoga for Kids Brand New E-Store

Why the Go Go Yoga for Kids E-Store Matters to You:

  • Now you are able to easily download your Go Go Yoga for Kids books on any device. This means your iphone, computer, tablet, kindle, ipad. Any of these places!
  • You can also easily transfer your Go Go Yoga for Kids books from device to device.
  • This is also extra exciting because you are able to easily print out sections that are important to you. You know how much I love writing and putting together kids yoga lesson plans. Now you can easily find which lesson plan you want to use and print it out for your personal use. This is also true for our lesson plan templates, guides and games that are found in our books!
  • Another great reason to purchase your e-books directly from the author is that it does help me out. You know how kids yoga is my passion and I love being able to get resources and ideas straight to you. When you purchase directly from the author this allows a great connection and helps small businesses such as Go Go Yoga for Kids.

Thank you for checking out our Go Go Yoga for Kids E-Store and directly supporting me, the author. I have changed my shopping habits with so many small businesses feeling the impact from the coronavirus. I so appreciate your support.

Use code GOGO2020 to receive 50% off your purchases in the Go Go Yoga for Kids E-Store.

This includes all of our great resources, including our newest #1 New Release Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children.

How to Play Yoga Pose Memory: Yoga Game for Kids

How to Play Yoga Pose Memory: Yoga Game for Kids

Stretch your body and your mind with Yoga Pose Memory! Help kids (and adults!) improve balance and flexibility while boosting matching and memory skills.

Learn and practice yoga poses as you search for matching yoga poses. Once a match is made, then the player must demonstrate that yoga pose. Once the cards have all been matched, the player with the most pairs performs all of the yoga poses in a sequence.

Learn and practice yoga poses with this fun and engaging Yoga Pose  Game!

Each Memory Game Set Includes:

  • Directions on How to Play
  • 8 Diverse Yoga Poses
  • Multicultural & Diverse
  • Downloadable for immediate play

Perfect for school, home, camps, clubs, and parties.

Ages 3-Adult

Our Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards match perfectly with the Yoga Pose Memory Game if you are looking to add and learn more yoga poses to your game.

Inspired Parent Summit with Sara J. Weis of Go Go Yoga for Kids

Inspired Parent Summit with Sara J. Weis of Go Go Yoga for Kids

parenting summit

Awaken your parenting strengths, raise creative, confident and conscious kids.

You can catch my live interview for the next 72 hours here.

You and I know, that how we parent affects our children as well as ourselves on a daily basis.

The majority of parents experience more stress, struggle and shame than one could possibly want. And often parents find themselves sad, lonely and frustrated in not having balance in their day.

Parenting concerns seem insurmountable in a world that seems indifferent and disconnected.

The reality is that, through our beliefs and choices, we create our parenting experiences and our family life with our children.

What if you were invited to shift your choices and beliefs for calmer, more effective parenting?

I am honored to be a featured guest for the Inspired Parenting Summit hosted by certified Parent Coach, Mary Wheatley. In her quest to be a more effective coach to parents who truly want to enjoy their parenting and overcome their struggles; she has created an interview series of parenting visionaries, including myself. We are excited to share relevant and inspiring conversations about parenting for the greatest impact in today’s world.

Mary’s 21-day online event is entitled Inspired Parent Summit II: Awaken Your Parenting Strengths, Raise Creative, Confident and Conscious Kids. This is a FREE audio event, and you can register by clicking here! 

This Summit is designed with easy access for on the go parents. You will be able to listen from your smart phone, in your car while driving, or through your computer.

Topics will include:
    • Educating your child for an optimal life
    • Mindfulness for children
    • Countering media’s hold on youth
    • Guidance to raising teens and tweens
    • Changing role of fathers’
    • Building lasting relationships with your children
    • and so much more!

Inspired Parenting Summit II is a FREE event, consisting of daily interviews with individuals leading the conscious parent movement, and is available to all who join today.

Register here for FREE for a more peace-filled parenting experience

The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards Go International

The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards Go International

Go Go Yoga for Kids is thrilled to announce the launching of the Kids 

kids yoga challenge pose cardsYoga Challenge Pose Cards internationally! Now you have the option to purchase directly from our store, Amazon.com or Amazon.uk.

The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards will challenge you and your kids with balance, flexibility, mindfulness, and more. This yoga cards for kids deck includes 40 poses including partner poses, confidence building pose mantras, and fun games to play together using these cards.

The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards Include:warrrior 1

  • 40 progressive yoga cards for kids including partner poses
  • Empowering pose mantras for beginners and meditation
  • Poses rated from 1-5 stars based on levels
  •  Easy to follow poses to create many original yoga flows
  • 15 Bonus Games to play using these pose cards
  • Tested and proven yoga poses to bring most Double Boatmental and physical benefit
  • Takes only minutes each day to gain lifelong skills and health benefits
  • Comes in a fun drawstring burlap bag

Read what others are saying about the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.

The Go Go Yoga for Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards are an excellent product for parents, teachers, and kids yoga instructors alike! The illustrations are bright and colorful, and the cards can be used in so many different ways. My kids just love practicing the poses, and we can’t wait to try the suggested games. These cards are a great companion to Sara’s book but can also be used on their own. Highly recommend!!cards with bag

–Erin Leach

These cards are awesome! Simple, kid-friendly pictures and an inspiring statement to go with each card. I used these in my Kindergarten classroom and was able to quickly and easily teach a handful of poses. There is a card with suggested ways to use the cards and suggestions for games to play with them, too. Will purchase more sets of these to use as gifts and give to fellow educators and parents.

–Kate Virgil

Find out more about the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.

Kids Yoga Class at Health and Fitness Expo

Join Go Go Yoga for Kids with a Kids Yoga Winter Class at the Health and Fitness Expo. Kids of all ages practice breathing exercises, yoga games, balance practice, mindfulness, and stillness and savasana.

Winter Kids Yoga Poses from the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards include:
Snowboarding: Warrior 2 Jumps
Snow Angels
Down Dog Snow Forts
Ice Skating in Dancer Pose
Triangle Pose

Kids Yoga Games include:
Choose Your Pose
Musical Mats
Balancing Snowflakes
Pass the Squeeze Mindfulness Game
Melting Ice Cube

Even with all of the expo noise and distraction the children are engaged, having fun, and ready for their Stillness and Savasana at the end.

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