by sara | Oct 16, 2017 | Presenting
Go Go Yoga for Kids was thrilled to be a part of of the 4th annual National Kids Yoga Conference (NKYC) which is held in the Washington DC area each Fall. This year the conference was held in Alexandria, VA, which is a quick 15-minute metro
ride or car ride from Reagan National Airport.
This conference is designed for adults to bring yoga and mindfulness to our next generation. This is done through sponsors, keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and vendors.
This year was a bit different for me for a couple of reasons compared to last
year’s NKYC conference. First I was a sponsor and vendor which allowed me to have a different experience and perspective.
I also traveled completely on my own from Des Moines, Iowa, by plane, train (metro), and automobile (Uber). This truly allowed me to have an appreciation for different opportunities to try new things.
I am so thankful for the opportunity to meet and connect with so many different people from all over the US, Canada,
and beyond. It made my weekend to hear the positive comments from others who have used our resources with the Go Go Yoga for Kids Guide, the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards or had taken one of our Kids Yoga 101 online courses.
It was an incredible feeling to be able to put real faces with names and hear about how they were using it with children. Hearing their stories really made all of the time, effort, and energy all worthwhile.

Teresa Power, the brain and energy behind International Kids Yoga Day is just as amazing and kind in person.
I loved meeting with the founder of International Kids Yoga Day, Teresa Power. I have been a yoga ambassador with this incredible event for the past two years. She amazes me with how much she has done to introduce yoga to children all over the year. She has also been a big supporter of Go Go Yoga for Kids so it was wonderful to actually meet in person.

Susan Verde and I agreed that we are definitely fans of one another’s work.
Susan Verde, bestselling author of I am Yoga, was also there with her beautiful new book, I am Peace. She is the true example of bringing yoga and mindfulness to children in kid-friendly ways. Susan has also so kind to appreciate Go Go Yoga for Kids from our very beginning.
The people at the National Kids Yoga Conference are the real deal as they are kind, caring and inspiring. The breakout sessions are amazing, but it is truly about connecting with one another.
It made my heart happy to be surrounded by so many individuals that truly care about children and strive to give them the tools and techniques to be calm, mindful, and healthy leaders for our future.

My friend, Kerry Wekelo, founder of Zendoway and her amazing daughter, Aubrey showing off some partner poses.
You might also like: Quick Takeaways from the National Kids Yoga Conference.
by sara | Sep 20, 2017 | Presenting

We would love to see you, Saturday, September 23 for a fun day filled with family fun. Meet local Iowa Authors, food, face painting, giveaways, games, and much more. Everyone is welcome. Free Admission.
Located at Jasper Winery from 11:30-5 pm. Find out more here.
by sara | Aug 16, 2017 | Presenting
Join Go Go Yoga for Kids for a wildly good time at Blank Park Zoo on August 26th
at 9:00 AM for free zoo kids yoga. Perfect for ages 3-11.
We will learn many zoo animal yoga poses, play games, practice partner poses, make a thunderstorm, and have lots of fun.
Get your free Top 9 Yoga Poses for Kids guide and a chance to win your own kids yoga class.
While at the zoo, join us for the 2nd Annual Indie Author Book Expo featuring over 30 local Iowa authors. We will also be there with our Bestselling Go Go Yoga for Kids book and The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.
Find out more here.
by sara | Aug 15, 2017 | Presenting
One year ago on an a hot August afternoon, I clearly remember sitting in a coffee shop while waiting to pick up one of my kids from soccer practice.
Just the day before I had submitted Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Using Yoga with Kids for publication on Amazon. For the first time in over a year I felt a sense of a loss. After months and months of being in the trenches with the time consuming writing and publishing process, my book would soon become available in “.”2-3 business days
With the weekend looming ahead I knew it would be mid next week until I saw my book truly available. At that moment I had nothing pressing to do. It was an odd feeling.
Killing a little time in that coffee shop that day, I typed in my book title into the Amazon search box. There before my eyes, I saw my book cover slowly appear. Go Go Yoga for Kids was published and live!
The feeling of “what to do next” was quickly replaced with elation and then alarm. I couldn’t wait to share this book that I had cultivated over for years. I truly wanted to help and inspire others to use yoga with kids, but would anybody care?
You did. Thank you. Go Go Yoga for Kids reached Best Seller status within a month and has maintained it for the past year. With almost 100 5 star reviews, it humbles me that I have been able to help adults and children see the benefits and fun of yoga.

I couldn’t have done any of this without these 3 kids. They help with everything. They are my guinea pigs for all ideas,
as well as labeling, boxing, shipping, modeling, taking pictures, videos, proofing, listening, coming to events, and cheering me on. I couldn’t do it without them.
They even threw a surprise birthday party for Go Go Yoga for Kids. Complete with the presents, cake, and the puppy. Love them.
This book has led to an amazing year filled with learning and growth with The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards, Kids Yoga Teacher Training, and so much more. What is next? Your needs, ideas, and stories inspire me. What would you like to see?
Let me know here. Thank you for being a part of it.
by sara | Aug 7, 2017 | Presenting
Happy Birthday Go Go Yoga for Kids!
This book is so very near and dear to my heart. It is a culmination of years of research, creating, writing, and teaching hundreds of kids yoga classes so I could give you what really works for teaching yoga to kids.
The response was incredible and became #1 New Release and Bestseller on Amazon within a month of its launch.
For those of you that do not have your copy of Go Go Yoga for Kids or the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards, I want to make these available to you the best way I can….with Free Shipping from August 7-13, 2017.
This means you can get the Go Go Yoga for Kids book (12.99), the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards (9.99) or the Book and Card Bundle for only 19.99 (Best Value).
This is over 30% Savings plus Free Shipping. Find out more here.
Thank you for celebrating with Go Go Yoga for Kids!
by sara | Feb 21, 2017 | Presenting
Welcome to Go Go Yoga for Kids; the place to get kids fit, flexible and focused while having fun with yoga!
Go Go Yoga for Kids has resources for you to introduce kids to yoga through movement, mindfulness, fun, and games. Perfect for parents, teachers, and anyone who enjoys yoga and kids. I am glad you are here, now let’s get started! See our
extensive list of recommended kids yoga resources.
Go Go Yoga for Kids – A Complete Guide to Yoga with Kids
- Over 150 fun and creative yoga games, activities, & challenges for all ages
- 15 ready to use unique yoga lesson plans that will have kids engaged from the start
- Ways to bring mindfulness and awareness to all children
- Kid yoga photos and pose illustrations
- Easy ways to incorporate yoga in the school setting for all types of learners and abilities
- How to get your kids involved with yoga at home
- Tips on working with teens and tweens
- Partner poses, balance activities, group & inversion teaching tips & ideas
- Sample parent communication ideas
- Examples of where and how to teach yoga for kids
- Books, music and other fun resources to help kids learn about yoga.
You can purchase a copy of Go Go Yoga for Kids from our site, from Amazon, or from your local bookstore. Only $12.99 plus shipping.
Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards
- 30 progressive yoga poses including partner poses
- Empowering pose mantras for beginners and meditation
- Poses rated from 1-5 stars based on difficulty
- Easy to flow poses for your own yoga routine
- 15 Bonus Games to play using the pose cards
- Tested and proven yoga poses to bring most mental and physical benefit
- Takes only minutes each day to gain lifelong skills and health benefits
- Only $9.99 plus shipping
Get the Go Go Yoga for Kids Book and the Kids Yoga Challenge pose cards for one low price. Only $19.99 plus shipping.
As a children’s yoga bestselling author, teacher, and speaker, I am always looking for new creative ideas regarding yoga for kids. I found such a resource in Go Go Yoga for Kids! This book is chalk full of great information to help yoga teachers, classroom teachers,youth leaders, counselors, parents, and any others learn how to implement yoga into the lives of children. I was especially intrigued by the way the author incorporated her favorite childhood games in Part 6 of the book and recreated them into yoga games. Very creative and fun! I highly recommend this book to those wishing to learn how to make yoga fun for kids, and how to empower them to be active as well as mindful and meditative at the same time!
Teresa Anne Powerauthor of ABCs of Yoga for Kids and founder of the International Kids Yoga Day.
As a kid’s yoga and mindfulness teacher this book is an invaluable guide. Totally accessible and filled with useful information, games and activities! I love using this book with my students. Brings out the joy of yoga!
Susan Verdeauthor of award winning I am Yoga, certified yoga instructor and mindfulness teacher
This is a great book for parents, teachers, babysitters, camp counselors and anyone else who wants to introduce yoga to children but doesn’t know how. It’s short, clear, fun, filled with photos of kids doing the poses–and inexpensive to boot. As someone who’s written about mindful parenting and has blogged on Huffington Post and elsewhere about the benefits (and joys) of teacher- and parent-led yoga, I loved that Sara Weis made this book accessible even to people who’ve never done yoga before. She also knows what kids like–her poses have names like fairy (aka dancer’s pose) and castle (downward dog)–and what kid could resist doing “dragon” breathwork? If you only have a few minutes, you can just pick a section to lead the kids in (balancing poses, yoga games…)–each broken down by ages. And if you have time to do a whole yoga session, she shows you how to keep kids entertained with classes that include poses, yoga games, active movements, breathwork unified around a theme like “mythical creatures.” I’ve taught kids yoga before, and if I’d had this book I could have made the classes a lot more fun. Highly recommended for yourself or as a gift to anyone who works with children.

Meryl Davids Landauauthor of Enlightened Parenting
Go Go Yoga for Kids clearly explains how to teach different ages of kids (3-6; 7-11;and tweens and teens): breathwork, sun salutations,a variety of asanas (yoga poses) with both traditional and kid-friendly names, active movement exercises,yoga games, partner poses, and group challenges. The activities are kid-tested for fun and safety, and there’s also advice on how to professionally teach yoga to children, as well as tips for parents and classroom teachers on incorporating mindfulness and yoga into kids’ daily routines.
Catharine HannaryMindful Teachers
“As a teacher and Mom to three kids, I found Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Yoga With Kids to be an amazing resource for getting kids active with yoga. This book will be on my bookshelf both at home and in my Kindergarten classroom. I can easily pull games, community building activities, and yoga poses from this book and have my own kids or students engaged and energized in no time. I look forward to sharing this resource with my fellow educators and friends. It has everything you need to plan, teach, and extend a yoga class for kids of all ages and abilities.”
Katherine V. Elementary School Teacher
“I am a public school elementary school teacher, as well as a certified children’s yoga teacher. Yoga has always been a part of my curriculum; however, planning the lessons can take a lot of time. Discovering the Go Go Yoga for Kids book has been a blessing! I love the way it’s organized, with sections including illustrations and names of poses, breath work, game ideas, ways to communicate with parents, community building ideas, etc. Also, I really like the format used for lesson planning. I will definitely be incorporating the fun themed lessons, this year, in the classroom, and in the studio.”
Megan Q. Children’s Yoga Instructor, Public School Teacher
“Go Go Yoga for Kids is a must-have resource for anyone teaching yoga to kids. It doesn’t matter if you have any training or experience with yoga, this book will successfully guide you through teaching a class. As a kid’s yoga instructor, I am always searching for creative and fun ideas to add for my classes. I finally found exactly what I was looking for in Go Go Yoga Kids. With the lesson plans included in this book you have the foundation to lead endless successful classes!”
Crystal T.Kids Yoga Instructor
“This is an easy to read and complete resource about the benefits of yoga, how to teach yoga, and why children need to practice yoga. I love that Go Go Yoga for Kids clearly describes different poses that can be taught to children in age appropriate and engaging ways. As a preschool director, I appreciate that the author has written lesson plans that are ready to use and be taught to kids. If you are looking to implement yoga at home or in your classroom, this is the only book that you need!”
Michelle M.Preschool Director
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