Beach Ball Yoga Game for Kids

Beach Ball Yoga Game for Kids

mountain pose yoga  What is one of my favorite things about teaching yoga for kids? There are so many fun and creative ways to introduce poses! Beachball Yoga is one of my favorite games to use with all ages of children… especially in the summer.

Buy an inexpensive blow-up beach ball. I got mine from the Dollar Store. With different colored permanent markers write a variety of yoga poses on the beachball. I like to make my poses summer and ocean theme related.

Pose Examples to Write on the Beach Ball:

Shark (Shark Pose)

Iguana (Plank)

Swimmer (Superman Pose)

Dolphin (Dolphin Pose)

Mermaid (up dog)

Sunflower (bend at waist, hold opposite elbow, and circle up and around while holding elbows)

Beach chair (Chair Pose)

Crab (Crab walks)

Sand castle (Down Dog)

Palm tree (Tree Pose)

Surfer (Warrior 2)

Fish (Fish Pose)

Jellyfish (bend at waist and let arms hang down)

Turtle (Turtle Pose)

Starfish (Savasana)

How to Play

Toss the beach ball around the circle. When a child catches it, have them read the pose nearest their thumb. Introduce that pose to the class and everyone can practice it. Then have the ball be tossed again to another student and go again. This is such a fun way to learn lots of different poses!

Check out our recommended kids yoga resources.

Need more Beach Ball Yoga ideas?

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Fun Partner Yoga Poses for Kids to Show Off!

Fun Partner Yoga Poses for Kids to Show Off!

Kids love partner poses! They are fun to do and equally impressive to watch. Partner yoga poses for kids and working together as a group to accomplish a goal is fun and rewarding. It builds trust and community while building confidence.  It is helpful to have someone near similar size for some of the partner poses, but partner poses can definitely be modified.

Fun partner yoga poses for kids that can be done anywhere and anytime:

kids yoga teacher training

Double Boat: This partner pose looks absolutely stunning and impressive when done correctly. Have each partner sit facing each other, knees bent and touching toes. Have them hold hands and lift legs. The bottoms of their feet should be touching as this helps with balance. Then the partners, if able, straighten their legs and lean back slightly as if in a “V” shape.

Raindrop: Each partner lays on their back partner yoga poses for kidswith their heads touching. With their arms at their sides, they raise their feet above their heads to touch to make a giant raindrop.

I also like to call this pose a Fall Leaf or Hershey Kiss for Valentines Day kids yoga classes.

Double Down Dog: 

Kids love try the Double Down Dog Partner Pose, but it is one that must be demonstrated and taken slow. I like to have the students yoga pose apppractice their own Down Dogs quite a bit before moving into this partner pose.

partner yoga poses for kids

Double Down Dog

I like to use the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards to help demonstrate the partner yoga poses. It is a great way to provide a visual while talking about the partner pose.

The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards include 40 yoga poses, partner poses, and an additional set of 10 yoga games to play with the cards. Learn more here.Kids Yoga Challenge App

You can also find partner yoga poses with our Kids Yoga Challenge App found in the App store.

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How to Create Your Own Thunderstorm With Kids

How to Create Your Own Thunderstorm With Kids

Spring is here and with that comes the beautiful power of a rainstorm. I love a good rainstorm as it washes away the dirt, build up and leaves behind beauty, green, and a fresh start. It is fun create a thunderstorm with my kids yoga classes toward the end class right before settling into savasana.Spring is here and with that comes the beautiful power of a rainstorm. I love a good rainstorm as it washes away the dirt,  and leaves behind beauty, green, and a fresh start.

I love to create a thunderstorm with my students in my yoga class toward the end of class. The perfect time to do this is during the Community Building portion of the class which is right before settling into Savasana. If you are unsure of the correct sequence and important parts of a kids yoga lesson plan, then please check out our bestselling book, Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Yoga with Kids. It breaks down the complete step by step to put together an engaging and memorable kids yoga class.

Creating a thunderstorm with kids completely quiets the class, mesmerizes them and they feel empowered as they are the ones that created it. This activity also utilizes many of your five senses which is wonderful in helping you feel aware and present.

How to Create a Thunderstorm:

Sit in a close circle with the lights off. Start with step one and the child on your right does what you are doing. Continue around the circle with each student adding to it. After the sound has made it around, continue onto step 2. I like this progression as it shows how the storm ebbs and flows.

  1. Snap your fingers (the sound of light rain falling)
  2. Clap your hands together
  3. Slap your hands on your legs (at this time a student can flick a light switch on and off to represent lightning). They love this part!
  4. Stomp your feet
  5. Slap your hands on your legs and stomp your feet (this represents the strength of the storm lessening)
  6. Stomp your feet
  7. Slap your hands on your legs
  8. Clap your hands together
  9. Snap your fingers
  10. Rub your hands together (the wind)
  11. Open your palms (all is quiet)

This is definitely a fun activity to do with a Kids Yoga Springtime or a Jungle Adventure Theme. Have fun with it. This is something that your kids yoga classes can do over and over again and still be amazed by it.

To learn more engaging activities and savasana secrets check out our  Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training.

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