This Changed Everything In My Kids Yoga Classes

This Changed Everything In My Kids Yoga Classes

Have you ever had that “a-ha” moment where you look back and can recognize a learning opportunity or pivotal moment?

I don’t mean to make this sound like a lightning strike or mountain moment where everything was crystal clear and an obvious path was laid before you. I mean looking back, reflecting, and understanding something in a different way.

The Power of Reflection

I enjoy looking back on what has happened, accomplished, or stories I want to remember. For example, twice a year I take a moment and journal in each of my kids’ memory books about things that happened and that are important or memorable for each of them. I also have a family “year in review” journal that I jot down family memories and accomplishments at the end of each year. Every December when I pull out those journals my children always want to hear what I wrote and it brings back memories that they may have forgotten.

It is important to look back and think about what has changed, what you have made progress in or pivoted in completely and what you have learned.

A Teaching Reminder

As I was reflecting on my early years teaching yoga to children, I remembered one turning point that changed exactly how I carried out my kids’ yoga classes.

You see, I got a little caught up in the “how” instead of the “why.”

I knew how to teach yoga for kids, but why was I doing it?

I had spent hours creating these memorable and teachable lesson plans that I just couldn’t wait to try out with my students. I was so excited to see my lesson plans put into motion and envisioned kids laughing, playing, and being engaged throughout. More times than not, that was the case, and I felt like I had it all mastered.

Then there was one particular class about three months into my teaching kids yoga career when I noticed something was off with my class. We were zipping along and practicing the learned yoga poses, but I felt removed and the students were unconnected. There was no synergy. No engagement. Kids were doing what I asked of them, but it all felt blah and lackluster.

Teaching Is More Than A Lesson Plan

I realized then and there that I could create the most amazing lesson plans and power through it all so that everything was “covered” or “mastered,” but if the kids aren’t feeling known, connected, and cared about then what did it really matter?  The whole lesson plan would be completed, but it would feel flat and unmemorable.

First Build a Connection With Your Students

It is so very important to take the time to build that connection with your students and for them to engage with one another.

Since that class, I have made time for The Welcome at each start of class. Every child gets a chance to share and be known. It takes only moments, but what a difference it makes in setting the tone for your class. They are involved and invested. You have shown that you care about them as a person and want them to succeed.

I carry this out in my classroom teaching as well. I can have the most amazing lesson plans for my fourth graders on how to write a biography, but if they don’t feel safe, cared for and heard above all, it will not even matter.

Want to know more about how to effectively engage your students from the start? See my tips here for the most important part of how to teach yoga for kids

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3 Things You Didn’t Know About Teaching Yoga to Children

Are you ready to learn exactly how to plan and carry out your kids yoga classes?

Learn How to Teach Yoga to Kids


The Power of Partner Yoga Poses for Kids

The Power of Partner Yoga Poses for Kids

Kids love partner yoga poses! Partner yoga poses help teach children the importance of teamwork and working together plus they are fun to do and build trust and community with one another within the group. These partner poses can be done at home, school, camp, yoga class or anywhere you have kids ready to try something new and have fun.

I do try to incorporate partner or group poses in every kids yoga class as it gives everyone a common goal to work toward and builds confidence when mastered. I kept this in mind when I created the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards, I purposely incorporated partner poses for some of the yoga challenge poses. The partner poses are built on progression so gives the children a goal to work toward and it makes it so much fun to achieve together!

Tips on working with partners in a kids yoga class

  • Try to have kids partner up with those of similar size.  All partner poses can be modified, but it is a good idea to start this way.
  • Have the partners get to know one another before practicing the poses. Take a moment for them to introduce themselves to one another and pose a few questions that they need to answer as something they are good at or a favorite game to play.
  • Have one pair of partners demonstrate the Partner Pose before everyone tries it. As the partner pair is demonstrating, this is a good time to talk about proper form and any safety concerns. Although yoga partner poses are safe and fun, it is still a good idea to remind kids to take it slow. They will naturally be excited to get right into the pose so this will help them remember.
  • After the partners have practiced the featured yoga pose for 1-2 minutes. Have one group demonstrate the pose one last time. Kids love to show off the poses with their partners.

Kids Yoga Partner Class Lesson Plan

I recently taught an All Partner Poses kids yoga class and the kids loved it. Here is a little taste of how I broke down the lesson plan.

  1. First I had the students get into pairs. It is helpful to have a partner of similar size, but not necessary. Modifications can be made for any of the partner poses.
  2. Have the partner pair get to know one another (if they don’t already) and think up a Team Name. They love doing this. Refer to their team name throughout class. They LOVE this and will absolutely motivate them.
  3. Explain to the students that they will be working through a series of partner poses. Talk about how being safe is the number one priority and how they need to look out for their teammate.
  4. l used the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards for this kids yoga class because these yoga cards include leveled partner poses. It is important to begin with the easier “one starred” levels and work your way up to level 5. 5.
  5. I began with See Saw Partner Pose and showed the students an example pose card. This Partner Pose is perfect to begin with because it really warms up your legs and truly allows the children to work together. I invited a pair to come and demonstrate it to the group. I had them model how you begin nice and slow in a see-saw fashion. Legs can be made into a diamond shape or bent if you have some children that are taller or different heights.
  6. I allowed a few moments for the children to practice this first partner pose before moving on to the next pose with the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards. Each time, have a pair model the partner pose as you explain to the students about how to safely get in and out of it. You could also use the Kids Yoga Challenge App for pose visuals, but keep in mind that they poses are randomized for fun with the app.
  7. Toward the end of class, I had a few Group Yoga Poses so that the whole class could have the opportunity to work together. This can be done with playing Yoga Shapes, Wind in the Trees Yoga Game, Group Trees, or Yoga Knot.

See a partner yoga class in action with Go Go Yoga for Kids at Athleta with Go Go Yoga for Kids

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Partner Poses That Kids Love to Show Off 

Partner Yoga Poses for Kids

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Learn Something New This Fall

Learn Something New This Fall

Happy Fall! This is one of my favorite seasons! As a classroom teacher, I appreciate how it is full of new beginnings and fresh starts. ⠀The opportunities to learn, grow, and try new things doesn’t apply just for kids!

Have you been wanting to try something new? Learn something that will truly make a difference in the lives of children?!⠀

I bet you do! Our online Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher Training not only benefits children, but you as well!⠀
Discover how to truly and effectively introduce yoga and mindfulness to children through our comprehensive yoga teacher training which includes:⠀

⭐️classroom training videos⠀
⭐️hands on applications ⠀
⭐️kids yoga lesson plans, games guide and yoga pose cards⠀
⭐️Age group teaching guide, class management guide⠀
⭐️Access to our private group and live workshops.

Begin Making a Difference Today
Learn. Teach. Inspire
  •  Learn: How to efficiently and easily plan a kids yoga class from beginning to end
  •  Proven class management strategies so your classes flow effortlessly
  • Teach: Breathing exercises, yoga games, poses, mindful moments, and yoga challenges that promise to keep your students learning and engage
  •  Everything you need to know about teaching yoga to children professionally
  •  Inspire: The Secrets to Teaching Yoga to Children! (this is worth the investment of the whole course!)
How the course works:
kids yoga teacher training

Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training

Access to The Full System
94 Lesson and Resource Modules
Take The Guesswork Out Of Teaching Yoga To Children.
Get Everything You Need to Start Teaching Yoga to Kids
  • The secrets to teaching yoga to children
  • Proven class management strategies so your class flows effortlessly
  • Easy no-fail kids yoga lesson planning
  • Exact breathing exercises for calming and relaxing children
  • The best yoga poses for growing kids
  • Yoga games galore that they will want to play again and again
  • Best yoga props to use with children to make class memorable
  • Effective ways to manage and motivate your students
  • How to create mindfulness in children
  • Everything you need to know to teach kids yoga professionally
Learn how to effectively teach yoga and mindfulness to children in our easy to follow step by step proven format.

Learn More or Get Started Here 

Get started now and learn at your own pace and time. You have lifetime access to the online training.

For a Limited Time! Get the Ultimate Guides to Teaching Yoga to Children for only .99

For a Limited Time! Get the Ultimate Guides to Teaching Yoga to Children for only .99

Go Go Yoga for Kids Sale

Learn How to Teach Yoga to Children With Go Go Go Yoga for Kids. Step-by-Step lesson plans and ideas.

This is too good not to share! This only happens twice a year so do not miss out! This offer for kids yoga books is available October 1st-2nd, 2018.

Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Yoga with Kids AND Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Lessons for Children are available for Kindle download for only $.99 for the next 48 hours.

This offer is good for both Amazon.com and UK! Get all your kids yoga lesson plans, breathing exercises, and yoga games galore for less than a dollar.

Grab your copies of these kids yoga books now. Share with a friend. They will thank you!

If you already have your copies, please follow the links below and leave a review. It takes only a minute and truly helps others find and learn about these resources. It is so very appreciated!

Amazon.com Shoppers

Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Yoga with Kidsyoga for kids

Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Lessons for Children

Amazon.uk Shoppers

Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Yoga with Kids

Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Lessons for Children

For more yoga games and lesson ideas click here.

3 Things You Didn’t Know About Teaching Yoga to Children

3 Things You Didn’t Know About Teaching Yoga to Children

I understand.  I am right with you! You love yoga. You enjoy kids. What could be so different about teaching yoga to children compared to taking or leading an adult yoga class?  There are definitely similarities between the two with breathing exercises, poses and ending with rest and relaxation, but that is where similarities end. Kids yoga is busy. We are moving, breathing, and interacting with one another pretty much the entire time.

Read on for three important things to keep in mind while introducing yoga to children.

Here are just a few secrets about teaching yoga to children:

Kids Yoga is Not Adult Yoga

Kids are obviously not adults, and they will not behave like adults. As obvious as this may seem, I really want you to understand. Kids are not going to follow every pose in a structured Vinyasa flow type adult class. Kids are busy, spontaneous, and they love engaging with one another. My kids yoga lesson plans always contain 9 proven and important components. That may seem like a lot, but this keeps the kids active, engaged, learning, and in the moment.

Ease Up on the Alignment

Don’t take this the wrong way. Above all, be safe but not picky. Demonstrate the pose yourself or with yoga pose cards. But be aware that if you spend a majority of time making sure Venya has a complete 90 degrees with their leg in Warrior 1 or that Dylan’s Plank Pose includes a perfectly flat back, you will lose the attention and enthusiasm of the kids. Yoga is a continued practice. Children, like adults, will continue to learn and grow with the poses and their practice.

Yoga is a Life-Long Journey

There is a reason that yoga is referred to as a practice. There is no such thing as perfection in yoga. By introducing yoga to children you are helping to give them the skills they will have for life.

I know you can do this. Are you wondering how you can even begin? If you are ready to dip your toes into learning about how to teach yoga to children, then I recommend Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Yoga with Children. This book covers in great detail about the important 9 components of a successful kids yoga class. It will completely prepare you to teach successful and memorable kids yoga classes.

If you are ready to dive in deeper with your learning, our online Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher Training is the perfect place to find out everything you need to know about teaching yoga and mindfulness to children complete with teaching videos, guides, class management, lesson plans, yoga pose cards and much more. Learn more here.kids yoga and mindfulness teacher training

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How to Teach Yoga to Children

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This Changed Everything in My Kids Yoga Classes

Kids Yoga and Mindfulness in the Preschool Classroom

Kids Yoga and Mindfulness in the Preschool Classroom

It was such a pleasure to be invited to lead a Kids Yoga and Mindfulness in the Preschool Classroom workshop for early childhood educators about yoga for preschoolers in the Dallas, Texas area.

Our 2.5 hour teacher workshop included tips and resources for teachers to be able to implement right away into their classrooms this school year.

Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher Training

Breathing Exercises for Kids

Here are just a few of the topics we covered:

  • Breathing and calming exercises that truly work with this young age group
  • How to utilize movement and yoga during classroom transition times
  • The best yoga poses for these young growing bodies
  • Incorporating yoga and mindfulness into existing preschool themes
  • Classroom yoga games and mindfulness exercises
  • The best read aloud books for this early childhood age group
  • How to bring about stillness and relaxation within the classroom

Yoga Poses for Kids

Yoga Games

These teachers were engaged, enthusiastic, and ready to bring mindfulness into yoga for preschoolers.

All attendees received a copy of Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Lessons for Children and The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.

If you liked this, you may enjoy learning about our Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Online Teacher Training.

Learn more here.

Tree Pose

I know that you are passionate about reaching children through yoga and you are in the right place! Creating kids yoga lesson plans is one of my favorite things to do. It must be the teacher in me, but I love putting what kids are interested in and tying in yoga poses, games and mindfulness exercises to help teach yoga to children while providing moments that they will remember.

I want to help you be successful, confident, and ready to enrich children’s lives through yoga. We can do this together! Our FREE Kids Yoga Lesson Planning 101 Training begins with the heartbeat of kids yoga which is how to plan an engaging and memorable kids yoga class.

You can have all the desire in the world to teach yoga to children, but if you don’t have a plan in place then there will be opportunities missed and it will not be as impactful for your children.

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