5 Yoga Poses That Will Open Your Heart & Mind

5 Yoga Poses That Will Open Your Heart & Mind

Try these five heart-opening yoga valentine poses with children this Valentine holiday. These heart-opening exercises are especially beneficial for kids and adults who spend the majority of their day slouched in desks at school and work or with their heads bent over screens and books.

These exercises take only minutes and will help improve posture and release back and neck tension as well as create openness in your body and mind.

All of these heart-opening yoga poses can be found in our Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards that are available for immediate download and on Amazon.

5 Heart Opening Yoga Poses

  1. Cat to Cow Pose: Begin on your hands and knees. Next round your back and tuck your chin into your chest as if you are a cat. Then look up, arch your back and open your chest into Cow Pose. This is a great way to strengthen your spine and begin to feel your heart-opening.
  2. Updog Pose: Lie on your tummy. Place the palms of your hands next to your shoulders and lookup. Slowly straighten your arms and open your chest. It is okay to keep arms bent as well.

  3. Bridge or Wheel Pose: Kids love trying to get into Wheel Pose, but this huge heart opener is not easily accessible for all. For an easier but still effective heart opener, try Bridge Pose. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Rest your arms alongside your body, tuck your chin into your chest, and lift your back to create a bridge.
  4. Camel Pose: Take this pose slowly and feel your heart open. Get on your knees, lean back slowly, and place your hands on your lower back or ankles. Tilt your head back, open your chest, and breathe.
  5. Bow Pose: Lie on your tummy, bend your knees, and lift your chest. Reach your arms back toward your toes and hold onto your feet. Let your heart shine!
bow pose yoga

Bow Pose becomes easier to try after practicing with The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose

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Go Go Yoga for Kids LIVE on the I am a Lovable Me Show!

Go Go Yoga for Kids LIVE on the I am a Lovable Me Show!

It was so much FUN to be invited LIVE on the I AM a Lovable Me Show. Take a look if you have children in your life that you love and care about and truly want to make a positive difference in their lives! There is so much goodness to share!

Listen and Discover on the Lovable Me Show:
  • Why kids need yoga NOW in our world today
  • The benefits of yoga for children
  • Secrets on getting kids started with yoga
  • How to introduce children to yoga and mindfulness in fun and engaging ways
  • Plus learn the shocking truth about what happens to all children after they turn 7

Take a peek at some of the show’s highlights below:

  • How do children benefit from practicing yoga?
  •  What ages can children begin yoga?
  • How it adult yoga different than kids yoga?
  • What are some ways of introducing mindfulness and yoga at home? It doesn’t need to take long. It is really about introducing children to some exercises and helping them discover how they feel and when they could use them. Establishing routines: Poses/stretches you can do in the AM and in the Evening Settling down.
  • How to model mindfulness yourself
  • What ages can children begin yoga? Yoga is a lifelong practice. There is no so such thing as yoga perfection.  By introducing yoga to toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged kids you are setting them up for lifelong skills.
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Free Easter and Spring Kids Yoga Lesson Plans, Games, and Activities

Free Easter and Spring Kids Yoga Lesson Plans, Games, and Activities

Get things hopping with Go Go Yoga for Kids and these Spring yoga themes, poses, games and lesson plans below!

Get your FREE complete Easter Egg Kids Yoga Lesson Plan with all of the Spring yoga poses, games and activities.

Begin with Bunny Breath: Kids love this calming and fun breathing exercise. Pretend to be a bunny as you take short quick sniffs through your nose.

Pretend to Be a Flower: Next get kids moving while pretending to be a seed in the ground ready to bloom into a flower. Does your flower grow quickly or slowly?

Learn some Easter and Spring Yoga Poses: Select 3-5 yoga poses for each yoga session. I like my yoga poses to correspond with our yoga theme. Your Spring Theme Yoga Poses are included in the lesson plan.

Play a Yoga Game: After learning and practicing the Spring Yoga Poses, it is time to practice the poses and work oKids Yoga Challenge Pose Cardsn some balance exercises that are given in the lesson plan. If the children are up for a challenge, try Raindrop Partner Pose. You can find this partner pose and 40 additional poses with the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.

Circle Showcase: Bring your kids yoga class to a close by having a Spring Yoga Show with the children showing off their favorite yoga pose.

Time for Rest: After the Spring Yoga Show it is time for Stillness and Savasana. Have the children gently curl up as if they are a bunny in their nest or hold. See if they can notice the rise and fall of their breath. It is so very relaxing and calming.

go go yoga for kids books

Our Go Go Yoga for Kids E-Storeincludes immediate access to all kids yoga lesson plans, games, and poses

For more kids lesson plans check out A Complete Guide to Yoga With Kids,  Yoga Lessons for Children, and Yoga Games & Activities for Children.

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How to Use Picture Books in Your Kids Yoga Classes

How to Teach Yoga to Kids Using Mindfulness Picture Books:
Learn about the secret power of reading aloud to children while doing yoga poses to help give the greatest benefit to kids. As a teacher and reading specialist, I understand the importance of reading aloud to children while keeping kids mindful, active, and learning to achieve great benefits. When you read aloud to children and combine it with yoga poses, you have children that are becoming mindful, fit, and literate! In this video you will discover some of the best books to read aloud to children and learn how you can easily incorporate movement and yoga poses into these read aloud times. A full kids yoga lesson plan that you can use with kids at home or school will also accompany this video.
Children who are read aloud to get a head start in language and literacy. It increases their vocabulary and opportunity for comprehension practice. Combine that with yoga and you have children moving and stretching their bodies while increasing their focus and balance while having fun! When kids are moving it helps enhance their understanding and retention of what they have learned. This is called kinesthetic learning and it is perfect to use with those busy wiggly kids that need to move their bodies during or after those long school days of sitting.
Find your copy of the Brown Bear Brown Bear Kids Yoga lesson plan here.
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Getting Ready for Turkey With Go Go Yoga for Kids

Getting Ready for Turkey With Go Go Yoga for Kids

Thanksgiving is all about family, friends, food and being thankful. Go Go Yoga for Kids shows fun Thanksgiving yoga poses that can be done to prepare your mind and body for the holiday.

First is our fun Turkey Breathing that will help get your mind and breath connected. Next we lead you into our Planksgiving Challenge. Enjoy!

Ready for more?
Get our free Let’s Give Thanks Kids Yoga Lesson Plan

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This mindfulness and thankfulness activity for the classroom.

tree pose benefits

This lesson would work well with children ages 5-11 and incorporates The Kids Yoga  Challenge Pose Cards.

First, brainstorm with the students about positive qualities that they see in themselves. For example being kind, honest, hardworking, caring, strong, etc. Write these qualities on the board.

Next, the students took the “hand template” and wrote qualities that described themselves. They did this by writing around the hand template. mantras for kids

Finally, the students were able to put the yoga poses and mantras for success together to practice and perform. This absolutely made the lesson even more memorable as it ties together so many different types of student learning such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning. happy poses

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