Take Our Survey and Win a Free Kids Yoga App!

Take Our Survey and Win a Free Kids Yoga App!

Go Go Yoga for Kids is continually working to improve our resources and we want to know what you truly need to effectively teach yoga to children!

We truly do care what you think and want to best serve you. Please take 2 minutes to fill out our quick and easy survey. I will use the information to help serve you.

As a thank you for sharing your time and thoughts, I will then send you a FREE coupon code for our Kids Yoga Challenge App.

The Kids Yoga Challenge App is perfect for taking your yoga on the go! The Kids Yoga Challenge App will challenge kids with balance, flexibility, mindfulness, and more. This app includes 40 yoga pose cards including partner poses, confidence-building poses, and mantras.

Thank you for all of your support! I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you inside the free kids yoga app.

kids yoga app

Take Yoga on the Go with the Kids Yoga Challenge App

The Kids Yoga Challenge App Includes:

  • 40 progressive yoga poses including partner poses
  • Empowering pose mantras for beginners and meditation
  • Perfect for all levels
  • Poses rated from 1-5 stars based on difficulty
  • Easy to follow illustrated and colorful yoga poses
  • Tested and proven yoga poses to achieve mental and physical benefits
  • Takes only minutes each day to gain lifelong skills and health 
kids yoga challenge app
Kids Yoga Challenge App

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Take our Quick Survey for a Chance to Win!

We are very excited to begin working on some new exciting opportunities for Go Go Yoga for Kids!  Writing kids yoga lesson plans,  creating new yoga games, and developing resources to best serve you and kids is one of our favorite things to do.

We would love your input since you help make all of this possible.We want to make Go Go Yoga for Kids fun, engaging and beneficial for you and the kids that you care about. Please click on the link below to take a short survey.

Go Go Yoga for Kids Survey

The survey will close April 7th, 2017,

One lucky entrant will receive these amazing Kids Yoga Activity Cubes from my friend, Kerry, at Zendoway These fun, flexible cubes are perfect for all ages. Each cube has a different inspiring theme such as feelings, affirmation and breathing to help bring about mindfulness, love and kindness. The cubes come in a cute drawstring canvas bag. Retail $24.99

Another lucky winner will receive a signed copy of the bestseller Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Using Yoga with Kids. Retail $12.99



Your opinion matters. Take our quick 2 minute survey here. Thank you and good luck!

Get your free kids yoga games, resources and lesson plans here.