Kids love partner yoga poses! Partner yoga poses help teach children the importance of teamwork and working together plus they are fun to do and build trust and community with one another within the group. These partner poses can be done at home, school, camp, yoga class or anywhere you have kids ready to try something new and have fun.
I do try to incorporate partner or group poses in every kids yoga class as it gives everyone a common goal to work toward and builds confidence when mastered. I kept this in mind when I created the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards, I purposely incorporated partner poses for some of the yoga challenge poses. The partner poses are built on progression so gives the children a goal to work toward and it makes it so much fun to achieve together!
Tips on working with partners in a kids yoga class
Try to have kids partner up with those of similar size. All partner poses can be modified, but it is a good idea to start this way.
Have the partners get to know one another before practicing the poses. Take a moment for them to introduce themselves to one another and pose a few questions that they need to answer as something they are good at or a favorite game to play.
Have one pair of partners demonstrate the Partner Pose before everyone tries it. As the partner pair is demonstrating, this is a good time to talk about proper form and any safety concerns. Although yoga partner poses are safe and fun, it is still a good idea to remind kids to take it slow. They will naturally be excited to get right into the pose so this will help them remember.
After the partners have practiced the featured yoga pose for 1-2 minutes. Have one group demonstrate the pose one last time. Kids love to show off the poses with their partners.
Kids Yoga Partner Class Lesson Plan
I recently taught an All Partner Poses kids yoga class and the kids loved it. Here is a little taste of how I broke down the lesson plan.
First I had the students get into pairs. It is helpful to have a partner of similar size, but not necessary. Modifications can be made for any of the partner poses.
Have the partner pair get to know one another (if they don’t already) and think up a Team Name. They love doing this. Refer to their team name throughout class. They LOVE this and will absolutely motivate them.
Explain to the students that they will be working through a series of partner poses. Talk about how being safe is the number one priority and how they need to look out for their teammate.
l used the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards for this kids yoga class because these yoga cards include leveled partner poses. It is important to begin with the easier “one starred” levels and work your way up to level 5. 5.
I began with See Saw Partner Pose and showed the students an example pose card. This Partner Pose is perfect to begin with because it really warms up your legs and truly allows the children to work together. I invited a pair to come and demonstrate it to the group. I had them model how you begin nice and slow in a see-saw fashion. Legs can be made into a diamond shape or bent if you have some children that are taller or different heights.
I allowed a few moments for the children to practice this first partner pose before moving on to the next pose with the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards. Each time, have a pair model the partner pose as you explain to the students about how to safely get in and out of it. You could also use the Kids Yoga Challenge App for pose visuals, but keep in mind that they poses are randomized for fun with the app.
I am thrilled to announce the updated expansion of our popular Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards. This card deck now features 40 Yoga Poses with mantras and partner poses.
Check out the video below to see some of the highlights. Right now the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards with 40 yoga poses are only found in our store. The set of 30 can currently be on Amazon.
Many of you have asked and will be happy to know that I am currently working on International Distribution through Amazon. Stay tuned!
The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards include heart opening Yoga Poses
Love is in the air, and now is the time to let your heart shine. Yes, flowers and candy are a lovely thought for adults this season, but it is also a good time to open your heart and show acceptance and compassion for others such as with Bow Pose.
These heart-opening exercises are especially beneficial for kids and adults who spend the majority of their day slouched in desks at school and work or with their heads bent over screens and books. These exercises take only minutes and will help improve posture and release back and neck tension as well as create an openness in your body and mind.
Head over to Daily Cup of Yoga to read the read and try these amazing heart opening yoga poses.
More Heart Opening Yoga Poses:
Cat to Cow Pose: Begin on your hands and knees. Next round your back and tuck your chin into your chest as if you are a cat. Then look up, arch your back and open your chest into Cow Pose. This is a great way to strengthen your spine and begin to feel your heart opening.
Updog Pose: Lie on your tummy. Place the palms of your hands next to your shoulders and look up. Slowly straighten your arms and open your chest. It is okay to keep arms bent as well.
Bridge or Wheel Pose: Kids love trying to get into Wheel Pose, but this huge heart opener is not easily accessible for all. For an easier but still effective heart opener, try Bridge Pose. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Rest your arms alongside your body, tuck your chin into your chest, and lift your back to create a bridge.
Camel Pose: Take this pose slowly and feel your heart open. Get on your knees, lean back slowly, and place your hands on your lower back or ankles. Tilt your head back, open your chest, and breathe.
Bow Pose: Lie on your tummy, bend your knees, and lift your chest. Reach your arms back toward your toes and hold onto your feet. Let your heart shine!
Find all of your Kids Yoga books, resources, lesson plans, games and activities in our Go Go Yoga for Kids E-Store.
Why the Go Go Yoga for Kids E-Store Matters to You:
Now you are able to easily download your Go Go Yoga for Kids books on any device. This means your iphone, computer, tablet, kindle, ipad. Any of these places!
You can also easily transfer your Go Go Yoga for Kids books from device to device.
This is also extra exciting because you are able to easily print out sections that are important to you. You know how much I love writing and putting together kids yoga lesson plans. Now you can easily find which lesson plan you want to use and print it out for your personal use. This is also true for our lesson plan templates, guides and games that are found in our books!
Another great reason to purchase your e-books directly from the author is that it does help me out. You know how kids yoga is my passion and I love being able to get resources and ideas straight to you. When you purchase directly from the author this allows a great connection and helps small businesses such as Go Go Yoga for Kids.
Help celebrate teamwork and friendship by practicing some of these partner yoga poses for kids.
Have each partner sit facing one another on the mat with their feet touching. They will grasp hands. One partner will lean backward while the other one leans forward over their straight legs. Continue to slowly seesaw back and forth. This exercise is great for working the core and stretching the hamstrings.
Open Heart: Each child should stand behind a partner with one foot back, one foot forward, and knees slightly bent while holding their partner’s wrists. The partner in front leans forward and shines his or her heart forward while the other partner helps support them.
Raindrop: Each partner lies on their back with their heads touching. With their arms at their sides, they raise their feet above their heads to touch to make a giant raindrop.
Double Boat: Have each partner sit facing each other with knees bent and toes touching. While holding hands, they lift their legs. To help with balance, the bottoms of their feet should be touching. Then the partners, if able, straighten their legs and lean back slightly as if in a “V” shape.
Partner poses involve working together to accomplish a goal and that is fun and rewarding. It builds trust and confidence. These partner yoga poses for kids can be done in school, or in a home setting. My own family enjoys trying them together and can be modified for different ages and sizes.
Are you ready to get more fit, focused, and flexible this year with kids that you care about? The Kids Yoga Challenge is a great way to maximize your family time and reach fitness goals!
30 progressive yoga poses
Daily Pose unveiling with posture tips and health benefits
Each pose rated on difficulty from 1-5 stars
Poses can be put together for your own yoga routine or flow
Fun partner and group poses included
Tested and proven poses to improve your body and mind
Takes only minutes each day to gain lifelong skills and health benefits