Let’s Give Thanks: Free Kids Yoga Lesson Plan

Let’s Give Thanks: Free Kids Yoga Lesson Plan

It is the month of gratitude and thankfulness. Help kids learn and practice gratitude AND yoga with our “Let’s Give Thanks” FREE Kids Yoga Lesson Plan! Yoga poses, breathing exercises, yoga games, and our fun Planksgiving Challenge are all included!

Celebrate gratitude with children with all year long.

Let’s Give Thanks: Free Kids Yoga Lesson Plan

Get kids fit, flexible and focused with our complete step-by-step Kids Yoga Lesson Plan books. Themes, poses, breathing exercises, games, mindfulness, challenges for all ages and much more.

Thanksgiving Yoga Poses for Kids Fun

Thanksgiving is all about family, friends, food and being thankful. Go Go Yoga for Kids shows fun Thanksgiving yoga poses that can be done to prepare your mind and body for the holiday.

First is our fun Turkey Breathing that will help get your mind and breath connected. Next, we lead you into our Planksgiving Challenge. Enjoy!


Do not miss our Biggest Sale of the Year with our Black Friday Fun!

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Celebrate Mother’s Day With These Family Friendly Yoga Poses

Celebrate Mother’s Day With These Family Friendly Yoga Poses

“Mother’s hold their children’s hands for a short while,  but their hearts, forever…” –Unknown

Celebrate Mother’s Day with these Family Fun Yoga Ideas!

Back to Back Breathing:

Back to Back Breathing is a wonderful and relaxing way to connect with your children. It also builds mindfulness. Sit tall in a comfortable position with legs crossed. Slowly rest your back gently against your partner’s back. Encourage your child to try to notice your breath. Is it shallow or deep? Fast or slow? Can they feel your back move as they breathe? This is a really sweet partner exercise for any age and feels so comforting to lean against another person like that.

Family Trees:

Stand in a circle side by side and touch palms to help balance each other. Then take one foot and place it on our leg. Bring your branches (hands) up taller. Remember to switch legs. Notice how you are all stronger when you work together!

Legs Up the Wall:

Kids and adults both love this relaxing yoga pose! Scooch up close to a wall and lie flat on your back. Slowly raise your legs straight up against the wall which makes an L shape with your body. Keeping your legs together, flex your feet. Relax your arms to the side and keep your neck in a neutral and relaxed position. Close your eyes, and take a few moments and rest in this incredible restorative pose! This can also be done as Partner Legs Up the Wall Pose.


toega yoga game for kidsToega is the perfect yoga game to play with all different ages. What exactly is Toega? It is yoga for your feet! Kids love this simple exercise and it is good for them as well. All you need are some colored pom pom balls and bare feet! It is fun and easy to play. Find out how to play here.


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Spring Yoga Lesson Plan for Kids and Easter Egg Games

Spring Yoga Lesson Plan for Kids and Easter Egg Games

Get out your plastic Easter eggs ready and celebrate Spring with this fun kids yoga lesson plan, games, and activities. Easter Egg Yoga is for kids of all ages this holiday. 

 What You Need:


On small pieces of paper write the following poses and put one in each egg. 

Robin: Airplane Pose

Duck: Duck Pose. Encourage the kids to flap, quack, and waddle around like a duck.

Sun: Mountain Pose with arms outstretched to the sun

Spring Hat: Down Dog

Spring Tree: Tree Pose

Rainbow: Bridge Pose

Spring Basket: Boat Pose

Flower: Lotus Pose. Make petals by having the children hold their arms above their heads.

Caterpillar: Locust Pose. Have the students raise and lower their heads as if eating leaves.

Butterfly: Butterfly Pose. Fly butterflies fast and then slow.

Bunny: Hero Pose. Have the children make bunny ears with their hands.

Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards

Kids love to try the partner poses that included in our Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.These 40 Yoga Pose Card Visuals include starred level of difficulty (1-5 stars) and mantras for mindfulness.

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For more Kids Yoga Lesson Plans check out our bestselling books filled with over 150+ ready-to-go kids yoga lesson plans and kids yoga games and activities.

Complete guide

Yoga lessons

Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Lessons for Children

Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Using Yoga with Children

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Go Go Yoga for Kids Brand New E-Store

Why the Go Go Yoga for Kids E-Store Matters to You:

  • Now you are able to easily download your Go Go Yoga for Kids books on any device. This means your iphone, computer, tablet, kindle, ipad. Any of these places!
  • You can also easily transfer your Go Go Yoga for Kids books from device to device.
  • This is also extra exciting because you are able to easily print out sections that are important to you. You know how much I love writing and putting together kids yoga lesson plans. Now you can easily find which lesson plan you want to use and print it out for your personal use. This is also true for our lesson plan templates, guides and games that are found in our books!
  • Another great reason to purchase your e-books directly from the author is that it does help me out. You know how kids yoga is my passion and I love being able to get resources and ideas straight to you. When you purchase directly from the author this allows a great connection and helps small businesses such as Go Go Yoga for Kids.

Thank you for checking out our Go Go Yoga for Kids E-Store and directly supporting me, the author. I have changed my shopping habits with so many small businesses feeling the impact from the coronavirus. I so appreciate your support.

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This includes all of our great resources, including our newest #1 New Release Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children.

Celebrate Groundhogs Day with these Kids Yoga Games & Poses

Celebrate Groundhogs Day with these Kids Yoga Games & Poses

Will it be an early Spring, or will there be six more weeks of Winter? The groundhog gets to decide with this fun yoga game for kids! Decide if it will be spring or winter with yoga poses such as Snowflake Pose and Warrior 2.

Select one child to be the lead groundhog. Have everyone begin in Child’s Pose with their foreheads to the ground as if they are hibernating groundhogs waiting for February 2nd.

The lead groundhog will emerge first from slumber, look around, and announce to the other groundhogs if it is Spring or Winter. Based on what the lead groundhog selects, then choose from the following poses:

Winter Groundhog Yoga Poses

Snowflake: Begin in Mountain Pose with arms outstretched above.  Next dive forward and bring your arms to the ground as if you are a snowflake falling. Repeat this several times to represent lots of snowflakes falling.

Snowboarder: Stand strong in Warrior 2 with arms outstretched and your front leg bent. Try jumping and switching directions while landing in Warrior 2. Try to get a little hang time in your 180 degree jumps as if you are a star snowboarder!

Snowball: Lie on your back and hug your knees into your chest. Rock and roll back and forth as if you are a snowball being rolled. Do this several times. It is almost like getting a back massage.

Warrior 2

Spring Groundhog Yoga Poses

Tree Pose:  Get your Spring tree ready for leaves! Bring your foot to your calf and place your hands at heart center. As you become more steady, bring your foot to your thigh and move your hands overhead for tree branches. A tip for holding tree pose is to focus on a spot on the ground that is not moving.

Butterfly Pose: Sit on your bottom with a tall spine, bend your legs, and place the soles of your feet together. Flap your legs like the wings of a butterfly. How fast can your butterfly fly? Then try to go as slowly as possible.

Frog Pose: Come down to a squat position and bring your arms to heart center. Can you hop like a frog?

Take turns being the lead groundhog so everyone can practice several Winter and Spring yoga poses.  Finally for the final resting position or Savasana have the kids roll up in a yoga mat or blanket as if they are quiet slumbering groundhog.

These Winter and Spring Yoga Poses are all found in The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.

kids yoga challenge pose cards

                              The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards

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How to Use Mantras and Moving Meditation with Kids

How to Use Mantras and Moving Meditation with Kids

We live in a fast-paced world and so do our children. How can we, as adults and teachers, help children connect with themselves and others and also  enjoy the moments that we are in?

What we think about ourselves can often impact how we develop.

  • If we feel we are inadequate, then we’ll behave like that.
  • If we believe we are special and loved, we will most likely behave as if we are special and loved.

This is one reason why affirmations and mantras can be an important tool to help children develop positive foundations on which to grow.  A positive self-belief system built in childhood will hopefully stay with a person throughout their life.

What are Mantras?

The word ‘mantra’ comes from Sanskrit, and is generally used to mean a special word or phrase that’s used in meditation. Some parents and teachers may be concerned that mantras conflict with their religious beliefs, but mantras don’t need to have a religious aspect or overtone.

You can think of mantras as a few positive words spoken to ourselves each day. This can make such a difference to our whole mind and heart.

Mantras are similar to affirmations, and over time they can help change the way we feel. Mantras are repeated over and over to ourselves out loud or silently. It’s a wonderful technique for kids to use to set themselves up for doing their best and feeling good about themselves and their efforts.

Providing different tools for children to practice mindfulness with mantras, breathing exercises, and yoga poses is one of my passions. 

As I developed the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards, I wanted to be sure to include all the important tools.

Each card shows a yoga pose and corresponding mantra. Each of the yoga poses involves a variety of muscles working and may make a person feel differently.  The accompanying affirmation for each pose is short and memorable.

kids yoga challenge pose cards
The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards

How to Use Mantras in Kids Yoga Classes

Try a few yoga poses with children. As they are holding each pose, ask them what muscles they feel working and also how does it make them feel.  

This practice involves mindfulness since it is not only what they feel working in their body, but how the pose makes them feel, i.e. strong, brave, or peaceful. For example, Warrior 1 Pose may make them feel strong, but Child’s Pose may make them feel safe.

mantras for children
Our popular online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training includes lesson plans and additional instructions on how to effectively use mantras with kids.

Then you can teach them a simple phrase, which they can remember in a stressful moment or a time of unease. Effective mantras for kids could be: “I am thankful,” “I am loved,” “I am safe,” or “Let it go,” which is also a great one for adults.

Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards
Each of The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards includes a Mantra with each yoga pose.
Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards
Kids love to Partner Yoga Poses! These partner poses are included in our Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.

Conclusion: A Winning Combination

It is no secret that many children learn best when they are moving. As a school teacher and children’s yoga instructor, I understand that when movement and affirmations are tied together, it can be a powerful way to help children learn.  

Combining mantras with yoga poses has several benefits:

  • It helps children focus and concentrate;  
  • It helps them learn to respect their bodies and one another;  
  • It helps them quiet their minds and connect with each other; and
  • Most importantly, mantras help them create inner confidence as children, which can help shape a person’s whole life.

Are you ready to learn more about teaching yoga to children? Our popular online Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training includes everything you need to know to successfully learn how to teach yoga to children online and in person. Perfect for home, school and studio.

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