How to Play Summer Beach Ball Yoga

How to Play Summer Beach Ball Yoga

Summer is here! Get ready to play a favorite Summer Yoga Game!.

One of my favorite things about teaching yoga for kids is that there are so many fun and creative ways to introduce poses. I love creating a yoga game for kids and Beach Ball Yoga is one of my favorite summer games to play wiht kids. This yoga game can be played with any size group of any ages. Family-friendly and fun! All you need is a beach ball to get started!


1. Find a blow-up beach ball. I got mine here.

2. With different colored permanent markers write a variety of summer words on the beachball. (See the examples below)

3. I like to make my poses summer and ocean theme related. Below are some examples. Note: I only write the bold-faced word on the beach ball.

Summer Yoga Poses

Dolphin (Dolphin Pose)

Shark (Shark Pose)

Iguana (Plank)

Swimmer (Superman Pose)

Mermaid (Up Dog)

Sunflower (bend at waist, hold opposite elbow, and circle up and around while holding elbows)

Beach chair (Chair Pose)

Crab (Crab kicks)

Sand castle (Down Dog)

Palm tree (Tree Pose)

Surfer (Warrior 2)

Fish (Fish Pose)

Jellyfish (bend at waist and let arms hang down)

Turtle (Turtle Pose)

Starfish (Savasana)

Find a free list of your summer beach yoga poses here. These words and poses can be written on your beach ball.


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Beach Ball Yoga with A Twist

Get ready for yoga beach ball! This yoga game can be played with any size group of any ages. All you need is a beach ball to get started!

Beach Ball Yoga with a twist in Boat Pose

Looking for a little beach ball challenge? Have everyone sit in the circle and pass it around the circle again, but not with their hands – with their feet!

I like to explain how this is similar to a group Boat Pose. It is a good core workout as well especially with holding that pose and all the laughter.




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Check out our bestselling kids yoga lesson plans books:

Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Yoga with Kids,

 Yoga Lessons for Children

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Fun in the Sun Kids Yoga Class at Athleta

Fun in the Sun Kids Yoga Class at Athleta

Welcome Summer! What a fun morning spent teaching a summer fun for kids yoga class Athleta.

We loved our Beach Ball Yoga Poses, swimming, surfing, and sunning on our yoga mats.

Getting down on our bellies and preparing for the class favorite pose: Shark Pose!

make some ocean waves with our breath and moving our arms up and down. Now let’s try doing this in Tree Pose for an extra challenge!

Creating sand castles with our bodies. Check out our flags blowing in the breeze!

Everyone is now officially ready for summer! Check out some of our favorite summer fun for kids yoga games here.

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