
Preschool and Early Childhood Conference

Join Go Go Yoga for Kids on August 4, 2017, for one of two sessions on using Yoga in the Preschool Classroom during the Iowa Preschool and Early Childhood Conference.

Get ready to jump in, learn, and have fun with this engaging session of how to use Yoga in early childhood conference. The many benefits of yoga make this a wonderful addition to any classroom setting. Yoga provides a way to keep children engaged, provide meaningful transitions for one activity to another, and reinforce learning and mindfulness. Yoga is also excellent for promoting a sense of well being, creativity, and teamwork. Learn how to get kids fit, flexible, and focused by using yoga in the classroom.

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Get Ready for Preschool Yoga

Get Ready for Preschool Yoga

Our Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training online course will walk you exactly how to do yoga for preschoolers in the school, home, or other activities.Introducing young children to yoga for preschoolers through games, poses, and props is one of my favorite things to do.

This young creative age group loves to try new things and is up for any new adventure. Through yoga, we can teach mindfulness, patience, cooperation, and much more.

A favorite summertime yoga activity for kids is our Beach Ball Yoga Game.






Our Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training online course will walk you exactly how to do yoga for preschoolers in the school, home, or other activities.

Our Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training online course will walk you exactly how to do yoga for preschoolers in the school, home, or other activities.

See some of our preschool kids yoga classes in action with this video.

Anytime you can use a simple bag to “draw out a yoga pose” creates a lot of anticipation for

this age group.

They will sit as quietly as possible waiting for their turn. We love to use the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards

Select 4-6 yoga cards for this age group.

Stillness and Savasana definitely becomes a favorite part of any kids yoga class. Be as still as a starfish or quiet as a mouse in this pose. Kids love it. Get your tips here on how to easily get kids still and quiet.


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How to Use a Breathing Ball or Hoberman Sphere With Kids

How to Use a Breathing Ball or Hoberman Sphere With Kids

One of my new  favorite items to use in teaching kids yoga is the Breathing Ball or Hoberman Sphere .  It provides a great visual  for teaching kids to slow down their breath, and take long and even inhales and exhales.  We also talk about how the Breathing Ball is similar to the the work our lungs or diaphragm does.

How to Use a Breathing Ball with Children:

  • As a teacher or leader, model using it together as a whole group. As you stretch the ball out, take a deep long breath, together as a group. Then as you squeeze the ball together, let out a long deep exhale. You can experiment with the pace and show what happens when we breathe in and out too quickly. Talk about the difference in how your body feels when you take short quick breaths compared to long deep breaths.
  • If it is a smaller group, pass the ball around the circle and let each child take turns opening and closing it in time with their breath.
  • The ball is also fun to toss around the circle as it opens and shuts. Have the children participate in a team building and cooperation exercise to see how many times they can catch the ball without it dropping. This is also a good exercise in building mindfulness.

Get your own  Hoberman Sphere to use.

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Go Go Yoga Kids Hits New York City for Preschool Yoga Training with Karma Kids

Go Go Yoga for Kids is thrilled to be the winning recipient of a Karma Kids yoga training this summer! We will be hitting their headquarters in New York City for an amazing yoga in the preschool classroom training. This preschool age group is extra special as they are ready and eager to try all new things. Their imaginations are limitless as they can begin to learn the benefits of yoga at this early age.

Yoga in the Preschool Classroom 

Thank you Karma Kids Yoga for this opportunity to continue to learn and inspire young children.

The following is just a peek at all the fun and learning that we will be having in NYC this summer.

Children’s Yoga Teacher Training for Early Childhood Educators

Learn how to help children:

  • Release energy in a small space
  • Build focus and concentration
  • Gain body awareness and a feeling of well-being
  • Increase strength and flexibility
  • Build confidence and self-esteem, as well as self-control
  • Find a sense of calm through breathing and relaxation
  • Cultivate love for one’s self, inside and out

Share yoga with preschoolers at  any time of the day – during lessons, story time, transitions, winding-down time, or after active play. 

Go Go Yoga for Kids will be at this amazing training, June 11th, 2017. Join us here!