Celebrate Earth Day with These 5 Yoga Poses & Activities for Kids

Celebrate Earth Day with These 5 Yoga Poses & Activities for Kids

Our Earth is a beautiful place and should be recognized and celebrated, especially on April 22nd! What better way to do that then with some kids and yoga?! The following are simple Earth yoga poses that can be done at home, school, or a yoga class to help children take a few moments and appreciate our Mother Earth.

Breath: Begin by some simple breaths in your nose and out your mouth. Discuss taking in all of the good clean air that our Earth provides and exhaling all of the unclean and negativity.

Sun Salutations: Begin in Mountain pose with arms overhead and looking up between your hands.  Then dive into a forward fold. Do this several times and try to get longer and taller each time. Breathe in on the way up and exhale as you move into your forward fold.

All of these Earth Day Poses are found in our Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards.

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Tree Pose: Put a spin on this classic balance pose with arms extended overhead and try to close one or both eyes. Tree pose is also fun done as a group in a circle with hands on one another’s shoulders supporting one another. Raise your arms (branches) up as if lifting toward the sun.

Flower: Begin as a seed in child’s pose and slowly come into a kneeling pose as if you are an emerging flower. Extend your arms overhead as if they are petals waving in the breeze.

spring yoga pose

Bicycle: Be green and pretend to ride your bike to school or the park. Lie on your back and move your legs as if pedaling a bicycle.

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Raindrop Partner Pose: Each partner lays on their back with their heads touching. With their arms at their sides, they raise their feet above their heads to touch to make a giant raindrop.

partner yoga pose

Can you try Raindrop Partner Pose? Partner Yoga Poses are lots of fun!

Enjoy our Spring Live Family Fun Yoga Class

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