Toddler and Preschool Kids Yoga Lesson Plan, Rhymes, Music and More
Inspire your young yogi bears, with these simple and fun preschool yoga tips to get young children moving, breathing and singing while having fun with yoga!
Guest Post by Erin Leach owner of Mama Bear Yoga
I begin every class by singing the song “Wake-Up Toes.” If you’re not familiar with the tune, you can listen to it here. We sing this song from a seated position and wiggle each body part as it is named in the song. It is always a hit with kids in this age group!
I love using familiar songs and nursery rhymes to teach yoga to toddlers and preschoolers. Not only are they fun and engaging, but they add a language development component to the class. Here are a few of my favorites:
“Humpty Dumpty”
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall (Squat down and wrap your arms around your legs to make you body look like an egg)
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (Roll backwards onto your back with legs in the air)
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men (“March” your legs in the air by alternating bending and straightening your knees)
Couldn’t put Humpty together again (Flop your arms and legs down to the ground–SPLAT!)
“Five Little Speckled Frogs”
Loosely roll up your yoga mat to make your “log.” Stand on the mat and then squat down in frog pose. Each time a frog jumps into the pool, do a frog jump off of your mat. Listen to the song here.
“Hickory Dickory Dock”
(Have your child lay down with their legs up the wall before beginning the rhyme)
Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock (Creep your fingers up your child’s legs, like the mouse running up the clock)
The clock struck one, the mouse ran down, hickory dickory dock! (Move your child’s right leg slightly to the right to mimic the hands of the clock, then creep your fingers back down their legs)
Toddlers and preschoolers can be a bit wiggly, and getting them to stay in one spot for savasana can be a challenge. I like to have parents give their little ones a foot rub during savasana. It’s a great way for them to connect, and it makes the kiddos want to lay still for a few minutes. Starting at the ball of your child’s foot (just under their big toe), use your thumb and rub in a circular motion, making your way across the foot underneath their toes. Continue in this pattern working your way down the foot in rows. One you have covered the entire bottom of the foot, use your index finger and thumb to give a little squeeze and tug on each toe. Finish by cupping the whole foot in both hands and giving a gentle but firm squeeze. You can watch a video of me demonstrating a foot rub here.
Most of all, remember to use this practice to just slow down, forget about all other distractions, and enjoy some quality time with the special little yogi in your life!a
Get this printable lesson plan here: Go Go Yoga Sample Class
Erin Leach is a wife, mom, yogi, sometimes-crafter, and a Kids Yoga Instructor. Before becoming a full-time at-home mom, she worked for over ten years as an elementary school teacher and counselor. She also worked in private practice as a child and family therapist. Practicing yoga with young children and their families brings her great happiness, and she looks forward to the opportunity of sharing the gift of children’s yoga with you and your precious little cubs.