Snowball Winter Kids Yoga Lesson Plan
Children love this Snow Much Fun kids yoga lesson plan. All you need is some names of winter yoga poses and some plush white balls. I found these balls on Amazon. I then attached a small sticker to the snowballs with the name of a yoga pose on each one.
I like to use a present box or holiday gift bag to put the snowballs in. It creates a lot more anticipation when the kids take turns drawing the pose (snowball) out of a box or bag. Select just 4-6 yoga poses for the children to learn and practice for each yoga class. It is best to focus on practicing a few yoga poses during a class instead of many.
After one pose is drawn, all of the children practice that pose before drawing out a new pose.
I model the poses myself or use the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards or the Kids Yoga Challenge App to help demonstrate the pose.
After all of the snowballs have been selected, then it is time to play some yoga games or practice balancing. Have the children try to balance the snowball on their head, hand, shoulder, etc.
Children can also use their snowball for a breathing exercise called the Snowball Race. Students line up their snowball at the back of their yoga mat. On your mark, get set and go! They try to use their strong breath to move the snowball to the end of their mat.
I promise, the kids will have “snow much fun!”