Get Your Free Kids Yoga Heart Mandala

Get Your Free Kids Yoga Heart Mandala

Once in a while I like to use mandalas in my kids yoga classes. Kids just love coloring these circular and symmetrical designs. They find them calming and relaxing.

I  play quiet background music and have sit everyone in a circle when we get ready to work on our Mandalas. I also like to have the option to use markers or colored pencils.  It is important to stress to the children that it is supposed to take a long time to color a heart Mandala and to not rush. I love how this also naturally opens up a conversation in my upper elementary, tweens, and teen kids yoga classes. They tend to be less self-conscious in a group while they are actively doing something with their hands such as coloring.

When I do this with children as part of a regular 45-minute class,  I only allow about 10 minutes for it at the end of the class (before or after Savsana). I encourage the children to take it home and finish it or bring it back the next class. If I am leading a kids yoga camp or club where I seeing the children often, then I will hang on to the Mandalas and we will pull them out to work on as we have time. A great time is at the beginning of class while waiting for everyone to arrive.

There is something special about working thoughtfully, mindfully, and bringing the mandala to completion. It is a meditative process for many children and adults.

If the students are older, it is fun to try to create our own mandalas by using their bodies.


I love how they also naturally open up conversation in my upper elementary, tweens, and teen kids yoga classes. They tend to be less self-conscious in a group while they are actively doing something with their hands such as coloring.


Click here for your FREE downloadable Heart Mandala

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