Welcome to our Yoga Games for Kids! I am so excited to have you have be a part of the fun! Kids love yoga games! Games are a great way to get kids moving, build strength, follow directions, work together and practice yoga poses in fun and engaging ways.

We will focus on different fun and engaging yoga games for all ages that will create strength physically and mentally for kids while promoting teamwork, confidence, flexibility and physical fitness!
New games will be released weekly and will include videos, blog posts with how to enhance and differentiate for kids with varying abilities within the games, as well as game images and lesson plans.
Grab Your Summer Yoga Games Guide below
This valuable guide includes kids yoga games & templates, directions, downloadables, freebies and much more.
Helpful Tips for Teaching Yoga Games:
Kids love yoga games! Games are a great way to get kids moving, build strength, follow directions, work together, and practice yoga poses in fun and engaging ways.
I love how games break the ice with new groups and allow kids to get to know one another. Games lead to laughter and provide opportunities to step outside of your comfort zone while working together.
Have Yoga Pose Card Visuals
Most yoga games require few to no materials but it is so important to have pose visuals to use for games. My favorites are The Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards. These Yoga Flash Cards are perfect for placing at the top of yoga mats or in the middle of the circle for easy reference, around the room for a yoga obstacle course, or for use in many other games. You don’t want kids to feel uncomfortable playing a game because they do not know the poses. The yoga pose cards will solve that!
You can find the Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards on Amazon or grab a set of our digital Kids Yoga Challenge Pose Cards. These pose cards also include Partner Poses which kids love!
Let Go of Alignment (for a bit!)
Yes, it is true. Your job is to introduce children to yoga in kid-friendly ways. Are they going to have their left knee at a perfect 90-degree angle in Warrior 1? No. Demonstrate proper form and ensure their safety, but keep in mind that if children are moving, trying, and having fun then they are learning.
Yoga, after all, is a lifelong journey. Nobody is ever perfect or “wins” yoga. That is why yoga is called a practice. A life-long practice that is!

Keep the Game Moving
Always end the game on a high note. This means that everyone still wants to play again tomorrow. Playing a yoga game over and over is a sure fire way to suddenly have kids that “don’t want to play any more” or wander around and act up. The recommended Go Go Yoga for Kids amount of time to play a game is 7-10 minutes. Leave them wanting more. I promise the game will be better received next class when you announce you are playing it.